6.100L | Fall 2022 | Undergraduate

Introduction to CS and Programming using Python

Lecture 20: Fitness Tracker Object-Oriented Programming Example

Topics:  Inheritance: more examples

Lecture Notes

Lecture 20: Fitness Tracker Object-Oriented Programming Example

Lecture 20 Code


Ch 10.4

Finger Exercise Lecture 20

In this problem, you will implement two classes according to the specification below: one Container class and one Queue class (a subclass of Container).     

Our Container class will initialize an empty list. The two methods we will have are to calculate the size of the list and to add an element. The second method will be inherited by the subclass. We now want to create a subclass so that we can add more functionality – the ability to remove elements from the list. A Queue will add elements to the list in the same way, but will behave differently when removing an element.

A queue is a first-in, first-out data structure. Think of a store checkout queue. The customer who has been in the line the longest gets the next available cashier. When implementing your Queue class, you will have to think about which end of your list contains the element that has been in the list the longest. This is the element you will want to remove and return.

class Container(object):
    A container object is a list and can store elements of any type
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes an empty list
        self.myList = []

    def size(self):
        Returns the length of the container list
        # Your code here

    def add(self, elem):
        Adds the elem to one end of the container list, keeping the end
        you add to consistent. Does not return anything
        # Your code here

class Queue(Container):
    A subclass of Container. Has an additional method to remove elements.
    def remove(self):
        The oldest element in the container list is removed
        Returns the element removed or None if the stack contains no elements
        # Your code here

6.100L Finger Exercises Lecture 20 Solutions

Problem Set 5

Problem Set 5

Problem Set 5 Code

Recitation 9

Recitations were smaller sections that reviewed the previous lectures. Files contain recitation notes and worked examples in code.

Recitation 9 Notes and Code

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2022
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
Programming Assignments with Examples
Recitation Notes