
Reaction papers are due in class session unless otherwise indicated.

1 Introduction & Overview
“How do you feel?” What is “affect?” Why study it? How to go about it? Attitudes and actions at the point of entry; “Positive and negative thoughts and feelings” in personal and social situations. Affective universals and particulars. What is going on here? Who is addressing whom? Who knows? Who is to say? Says who?; A definition of the situation; Conduct and administration of the subject: Study groups formed and begin weekly meetings.
2 Human Systems

Reaction paper 1

Handout and questionnaires due

3 MFA Field Trip

Reaction paper 2 due one day before field trip

MFA field trip feedback report due

4 Quality in Arts, Technology and Life Reaction paper 3 and two photos from MFA field trip due two days before next class
5 Problematique du changement I:
What is a “Scientific Revolution?” Paradigms Lost and Regained in science and in society; The interplay of meaning and power in human systems: Beliefs, values and practices associated with the rise of monopoly capitalism and the degradation of work since the 19th century.
Reaction paper 4
6 What is Quality in (my MIT) Education? Reaction paper 5
7 Wrapping Up Phase One
(Inquiring into values; What has been learned?)
Reaction paper 6
8 The Neuropsychology of Affect
Debriefing on Spring Break assignments and experiences. The emotional brain; perceptions of beauty and beholders’ eyes; physiological and anatomical “embodiments” of human “mental life” and behavior; biological roots and social projections of concurrently prevailing beliefs, values and practices.
Recognizing and coping with stress.
Reaction paper 7
9 Neurosurgery: The Science of Violence and Vice-Versa Reaction paper 8
10 Field Trip: A Walk Around the Block

Reaction paper 9a

Reaction paper 9b (Term paper proposal) due two days before next class

11 Fathering the Unthinkable? Reaction paper 10

Problematique du changement II:
Overcoming personal despair and exercising personal power.

What is the path to effective pro-social collaboration in these times?

Revisiting “the commons” and questions about the issue of “externalities.”

An invitation to consider the possible advantages of membership in communities; belonging to place?

Reaction paper 11
13 Humanecological Sustainability: Toward a Quality Worldview, Valuesystem and Lifestyle  
14 Final Presentations and Closure Discussion Reaction paper 12 (Term paper)

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2013
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights