Prepare a formal 20 minute presentation for the final class (plus 10 minutes for questions). You must use audiovisual materials for your presentation (e.g. slides, a video, etc.). Your presentation must include:
- The title of your project;
- All team members, including community partner(s);
- Background on the issue(s) you are addressing. You must include:
- The larger context (historical, national, local),
- The partner organization’s role or approach to this larger issue (give concrete examples),
- How your project fits in. Write about this as if you’re addressing someone who knows nothing about the issue. Be specific, give details, and cite scholarly research where appropriate.
- The goals of your project;
- The 3 design candidates from your proposal and how you selected your design;
- Include discussion of your co-design methods;
- Each iteration: A slide for the first iteration, what you changed for the second iteration, your third iteration and what you changed for that.
- Challenges you faced during the process and how you addressed them.
- Next steps: How the partner organization will continue to use and maintain this project.