
This page describes the objectives and deliverables for the group projects, and lists some representative projects during the past decade’s classes.

Project Overview

The HST.921 Design Project is designed to provide students with hands-on experience tackling real-world healthcare IT challenges. The project topics are based on project submissions from students, faculty members, or corporate sponsors.

Project teams will be comprised of 3-5 students. An adjunct faculty member with extensive industry experience will act as a project mentor for each team.

Project Deliverables

Each team will be required to deliver 3 mini presentations during tutorial sessions. One of these presentations will be an elevator pitch.

The final report must be a 10-15 page document, double-spaced. Each team will also deliver a final 30-minute presentation in class.


Presentation 1: Project summary

Prepare a 10-minute presentation with a project summary of your project, focusing on the following questions:

  • What is the product?
  • What is the primary market? (who are the users)
  • What is the business model?
  • What is the biggest challenge that this product/service faces?

Presentation will count towards participation grade.

Ses #5
Presentation 2: Uniqueness and complementary assets

What are the unique characteristics and complementary assets of your e-Health platform?

Refer to tutorial slides (PDF)

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (~5 slides) to address the question above. Presentation will count towards participation grade.

Ses #7
Presentation 3: Elevator pitch


Prepare an elevator pitch for your product or service


A potential corporate partner who may co-invest in your project


Select one student team member to deliver the pitch (OK to have two people but make sure the transition is smooth)

Use the guidelines in this Elevator pitch tutorial for maximum success! (PDF)

Ses #8
Final Presentation and report

Final presentation guidelines (PDF)

Final report guidelines (PDF)

Ses #13

Project Structure

Each team will choose 2 of the following tracks to focus on in paper and presentation.

Track 1
Marketing Plans
Track 2
Business Plans
Track 3
Product Design Plans
Track 4
Clinical Trial & Product Evaluations

Market background

Future Directions of Market

Market Size/Forecast

Customers & Customer Segmentation

Target Market Segments

Product Description



Sales and Distribution Strategy


Staffing Plans

Advisory Board

Risk Management (analysis of specific risks and address various scenarios)

Financial Projections and Resources Required

Near Term Milestones and Expenses

Long Term Projections

The Product

Product definition & goals

Product requirements & specifications

Expected product lifecycle

Product add-ons, 3rd- party tool sets

Follow-on products

User Profile

Job Description

User Skills, Knowledge and Education

Work Style




Work Environment



Study design and hypotheses



Primary and secondary endpoints

Sample size (optional)

Anticipate time frame for study completion

Data collection; sub-protocols, intervals, encounters, events


Representative Student Design Projects (1999-2009)

Below are some representative student design project topics and partners since the course began in 1999. Due to confidentiality agreements with the partner companies and organizations, detailed documentation and results are not available.

  • Engaging Consumers In Disease Management Programs Through Their Digital Lifestyles (Aetna)
  • “Dialabetes”: Improving Care & Self-Management of Diabetic Patients Through Cell-Phone Technology (Atrius Health)
  • Value Strategy: Achieving Business & Marketing Objectives (Dossia Consortium)
  • Social Technology Wellness Project (a top-rated health plan)
  • Medication Management 2.0: A System for Enhancing Adherence (Intel)
  • Creating a Safe, Secure System for Remote Medical Imaging Sharing (Symantec)
  • Empowering Consumers and Physicians Via Consumer-Led Social Media Networks (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Improving Physician Engagement Through Technology (Healthways)
  • Serious Games for The Improvement of Pediatric Care (Playdiatrix™)
  • Venture Capital Investment In Cancer Diagnostics Technologies
  • Online Health Consumer Empowerment, Advocacy, and Support Technology (Careplace)
  • Opportunities in Healthcare for the Baby Boomer Generation (Weber Shandwick)
  • Computer-Assisted Disease Management to Improve Outcomes in Diabetic Patients (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Clinical Outcomes and Profitability of a New Infusion Pump Technology System (Partners Healthcare)
  • An Internet Service for Personal Management of Medical Images (Patient Express™)
  • Web-Based Interactive Electronic Medical Record (Caregroup Patientsite)
  • Product Design and Marketing Strategy Analysis of Information Technology Applied to Clinical Trials (GlucoGPS)
  • Medical Diagnosis Software For Palmtops (D-Tree)
  • Fast Infectious Disease Observation System (FIDO) for Syndromic Surveillance

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Course Introduction