Course Description
Students work in a seminar environment to enhance their leadership capabilities. An initial Leadership Laboratory Outward Bound experience builds trust, teamwork and communications. Readings and assignments emphasize the characteristics of effective leadership. Distinguished leaders participate in the “Leadership …
Students work in a seminar environment to enhance their leadership capabilities. An initial Leadership Laboratory Outward Bound experience builds trust, teamwork and communications. Readings and assignments emphasize the characteristics of effective leadership. Distinguished leaders participate in the “Leadership Lunch” story-telling series to share their experiences and to provide recommendations. Discussions help explore and further probe leadership development. The learning experience culminates in a personal leadership plan.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Presentation Assignments
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? by Paul Gauguin, 1897. Students are asked to reflect on the three questions posed by Gauguin in this piece in one of the assignments. (This image is in the public domain.)