Module 3: Pedagogical Framework for Addressing Ethical Challenges

This module introduces a framework for approaching fairness in machine learning, including defining and checking for fairness and considerations when choosing between different fairness implementations.


  • Provide a framework for approaching issues related to bias in data
  • Provide guidance on defining and checking for fairness
  • Help students identify how to choose the right technique for the application


Fairness Criteria slides (PDF - 1.5MB)

Learning Objectives

  • Present the confusion matrix, including definitions for true negatives, true positives, false negatives, and false positives.
  • Discuss how to choose between different fairness criteria including demographic parity, equalized odds, and equalized opportunity.


Confusion matrix

In the case of a binary classification (for example, whether or not to hire someone), you can categorize values in four categories. TP = true positive (correctly classified as positive). TN = true negative (correctly classified as negative). FP = false positive (incorrectly classified as positive). FN = false negative (incorrectly classified as negative).

Four square chart of actual vs predicted results.

Demographic parity

The outcome is independent of the protected attribute. For example, the probability of being hired is independent of gender. Demographic parity almost always cannot be implemented if individuals are members of multiple protected groups because you may not be able to impose the equal probabilities across all groups. Demographic parity can also be fair at a group level, but unfair at an individual level. For example, if qualifications are different across a protected attribute, imposing demographic parity may mean someone who is less qualified may get hired. Therefore, if a large number of unqualified male applicants is added to the applicant pool, the hiring of qualified female applicants will go down.

Equalized odds

Equalizing the odds means matching the true positive rates and false positive rates for different values of the protected attribute. This means that we are only enforcing equality among individuals who reach similar outcomes. This algorithm is more challenging to implement, but achieves one of the highest levels of algorithmic fairness. For example, the probability for a qualified applicant being hired and the probability of an unqualified applicant not being hired should be the same across all protected attributes. As compared to demographic parity, if a large number of unqualified male applicants apply for the job, the hiring of qualified female applicants in other protected groups is not affected.

Equalized opportunity

Equalized opportunity means matching the true positive rates for different values of the protected attribute. This is a less interventionist approach of equalizing the odds and may be more achievable. In the example of hiring, for qualified applicants, the algorithm would work exactly as the equalized odds algorithm. For unqualified applicants, the rates of not hiring would not be same across different values of the protected attributes. For example, unqualified men would not necessarily have the same rate of not being hired as unqualified women.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is “demographic parity”? What is an example where you would want to use it?
  • How might the overall accuracy of your algorithm change when applying these different fairness metrics?
  • How do equalized odds and equalized opportunity differ? What is an example of where you would want to use one but not the other?


Hardt, Moritz, Eric Price, and Nati Srebro. “Equality of opportunity in supervised learning.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016.

Kilbertus, Niki, et al. “Avoiding discrimination through causal reasoning.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017.

Wadsworth, Christina, Francesca Vera, and Chris Piech. “Achieving fairness through adversarial learning: an application to recidivism prediction.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00199 (2018).

Pleiss, Geoff, et al. “On fairness and calibration.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017.

Verma, Sahil, and Julia Rubin. “Fairness definitions explained.” 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Fairness (FairWare). IEEE, 2018.


Content presented by Mike Teodorescu (MIT/Boston College).

This content was developed in collaboration with Lily Morse and Gerald Kane (Boston College) and Yazeed Awwad (MIT).

Protected Attributes and “Fairness through Unawareness” slides (PDF)

Learning Objectives

  • Present some examples of disparate treatment and disparate impact in the media
  • Introduce protected attributes
  • Cover examples of laws that govern protected attributes
  • Introduce the concept of fairness through unawareness and challenges associated with applying it


Disparate treatment vs disparate impact

Disparate treatment is when you are disproportionately favoring a particular protected class by intentionally including variables tied to protected attributes. Disparate impact is when you are disproportionately favoring a particular group unintentionally.

Examples of relevant unfairness

  • Amazon example: Amazon implemented a machine learning algorithm to screen resumes for hiring. Despite having gender as a predicted attribute, the algorithm discriminated against women. 
  • Recidivism example: Machine learning is being used in the criminal justice system to look at recidivism, the risk of a criminal reoffending after being released. This system has been shown to be potentially discriminatory across race and gender. 
  • Facebook example: Facebook was found to be discriminating by allowing advertisers to restrict who could see ads based on characteristics like race, religion, and national origin. 

Protected attributes

Protected attributes are features that may not be used as the basis for decisions. Protected attributes could be chosen because of legal mandates or because of organizational values. Some common protected attributes include race, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, and socioeconomic status.

Examples of conventions and laws in the US

  1. Penalties for discriminating in housing (US Fair Housing Act)
  2. Hiring (the collection of laws also known as Federal Equal Employment Opportunity – Civil Rights Act Title VII 1964, EPA 1963, ADEA 1967, ADA 1990, Rehabilitation Act 1973, Civil Rights Act 1991, GINA 2008)
  3. The most recent of these (ECOA) requires firms to test algorithms for unfair outcomes and has penalties for failures in testing.

Examples of conventions and laws outside the US

  1. Convention against discrimination in education (UNESCO, 1960)
  2. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (UN General Assembly, 1965)
  3. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (UN General Assembly, 1979)
  4. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN 2006)
  5. Many countries have codified protected attributes in their constitution.

Fairness at the training set

When implementing a machine learning algorithm, you start by collecting data. Data contains outcome variables as well as predictor variables. The complete dataset is split into a training set where you run your model and a test set where you test your model to determine model performance. Implementing fairness starts with the training set. The training set can carry the biases of the people labeling data. In the case of resumes, if you have a set of graders and those graders have biases, those biases could be reflected in how the data is labeled. Bad training data will lead to a bad prediction. The training data may not be representative of all groups (for example, gender). Past data may not predict current events. Risks from training data include biased sampling, small sample sizes for certain subgroups, hidden correlations, the possibility that the data may contain protected variables, and a large degree of noise.

Fairness through unawareness

Fairness through unawareness assumes that if we are unaware of protected attributes while making decisions, our decisions will be fair. This approach has been shown to not be effective in many cases. Protected variables could be correlated with other variables in the data. For example, race or religion may be linked to a city or neighborhood in a city.

Discussion Questions

  • What are protected attributes?
  • Do you think the current list of protected attributes is exhaustive? Are there others you might add?
  • What is “fairness through unawareness”?
  • What are some problems in the Amazon approach?
  • What might be some protected attributes in the recidivism example?
  • What are some risks to an organization in choosing “unawareness”?


Abdi, H. “The Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient.” Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA (2007).

Agrawal, Ajay, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb. Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence. Harvard Business Press, 2018.

Ajunwa, Ifeoma. “The Paradox of Automation as Anti-Bias Intervention.” [Forthcoming in Cardozo Law Review (2020).] March 10 (2020): 2016.

Angst, Corey M., and Ritu Agarwal. “Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion.” MIS Quarterly 33.2 (2009): 339–370.

Angst, Corey M. “Protect my privacy or support the common-good? Ethical questions about electronic health information exchanges.” Journal of Business Ethics 90.2 (2009): 169–178.

Apfelbaum, Evan P., et al. “In blind pursuit of racial equality?” Psychological Science 21.11 (2010): 1587–1592.

Ashcraft, Catherine, Brad McLain, and Elizabeth Eger. _Women in Tech: The Fact_s. National Center for Women & Technology (NCWIT), 2016.


Content presented by Mike Teodorescu (MIT/Boston College).

This content was developed in collaboration with Lily Morse and Gerald Kane (Boston College) and Yazeed Awwad (MIT).