
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 5 sessions over 3 weeks


Participants are expected to supply their own laptop with MATLAB® installed and have some experience with the use of MATLAB.

You do not have to be a radar engineer, but it helps if you are interested in any of the following: electronics, amateur radio, physics, or electromagnetics.

Course Objectives

To generate student interested in applied electromagnetics, RF, analog, signal processing, and other (often tedious) engineering topics by building a capable short-range radar sensor and using it in a series of field tests. Students have a vested interest in making their own radar work properly, causing them to dig deeper into these subjects on their own volition thereby providing a self-motivated learning experience.


1 Radar basics Introduce project
2 Antenna design Doppler experiment
3 Modular system RF design Ranging experiment
4 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging SAR imaging experiment
5 Presentation of student field experiment results

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples