Course Description
This course develops and applies principles of game theory relevant to managers’ strategic decisions. Topics include how to reason about strategies and opponents; strategic commitment, reputation, and “irrational” actions; brinkmanship and negotiation; auctions; and the design of markets and contests. …
This course develops and applies principles of game theory relevant to managers’ strategic decisions. Topics include how to reason about strategies and opponents; strategic commitment, reputation, and “irrational” actions; brinkmanship and negotiation; auctions; and the design of markets and contests. Applications to a variety of business decisions that arise in different industries, both within and outside the firm.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions

Beyond games such as chess, this course aims to enhance students’ strategic thinking in complex interactive real-world environments. (Image courtesy of Edward Badley on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC.)