11.002J | Fall 2014 | Undergraduate

Making Public Policy


Paper 1: Health Care Reform

Write a five-page essay in which you make and defend an argument about why Obama’s health care reform bill was successfully passed when earlier reform efforts had failed, and what certain interest groups should do now to further their goals.

Paper 2: Gun Control Reform

Write a five-page essay in which you make and defend an argument about why gun control reforms have proven more difficult to pass in the United States than in other countries.

Paper 3: Strategic Choices in Policy Change

Write a 5-page essay in which you compare and contrast the strategic choices made by proponents of immigration and same-sex marriage over the past 10–15 years.

Paper 4: Climate Change Reform

Write a five-page essay in which you discuss both the causes and effects of the fact that so much of the action on climate policy has been at the state level.

Final Project: Oral “Exam”

The final project will take place over the final two class sessions. Students, split up by their recitation groups, will answer questions written by other recitation groups. The group that wrote the question will then critique and evaluate the answer given. Questions will cover material from the entire class, so the entire process will serve as a comprehensive review and wrap-up of the course material.


The final project will take place over the final two class sessions. Students, split up by their recitation groups, will answer questions written by other recitation groups. The group that wrote the question will then critique and evaluate the answer given. Questions will cover material from the entire class, so the entire process will serve as a comprehensive review and wrap-up of the course material.

Detailed Schedule

On the first day, students will split into their recitation groups. Students in each recitation session must come up with a total of three questions and answers to those questions. Two of the questions should be on the first 5 / 6ths of the semester; ideally they should not repeat material covered in the four assigned papers. The third question should cover education.

After the first class, the professors will review the questions and ensure the questions crafted by the different recitations are high quality. The goal is to ensure the questions are good ones—that is, challenging enough to make students think but do not require such detailed answers that the answer can be delivered clearly in a few minutes. The instructors will also make sure that the questions crafted by different sections are different. They will finalize the questions, possibly changing the wording or requesting some adjustments be made during recitation, and select one of the two non-education questions for each recitation.

During the final recitation session between the two class sessions, the students will be made aware of any changes made to their questions and will adjust their answers if necessary. The TAs should ask students to suggest major concepts or issues covered in the course that might crop up in the questions they will be asked to answer, which should set the agenda for a student-led review of the semester. TAs will assign 4 students key roles for the in class activity: two responders (to answer the questions) and two critiquers (to critique the answers of other groups).

During the final session, the class will split into the recitation groups. All groups will receive their first question and have ten minutes to prepare an answer. The designated responder from Group A will then have 3 minutes in which to deliver that group’s answer to question 1 (Q1). The first critique in the group that wrote the question (Group D) will have about 2 minutes to critique the answer. There will then be a couple of minutes in which members of other groups can chime in. Next, Group B will respond to Q1, and so forth. Each group should quickly fill out an evaluation for the group that answers their question. The process will then be repeated for the second question.

The questions will be distributed as follows:


In the past, students have not been “graded” on the spot. The focus should be kept on substance, not evaluation.


In March 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). Imagine that you are a senior advisor to an interest group that is trying to figure out why the ACA passed and how to influence the law going forward. You can choose one of the following two interest groups to address:

  • The Club for Growth, a large conservative interest group that opposes the ACA.
  • MoveOn.org, a large liberal interest group that supports the ACA and wants to further expand access to affordable health care.

Please write a five-page essay in which you make and defend an argument about why the bill passed and what the group should do now. In the course of your essay, you should address the following questions:

  1. Why was President Obama successful in passing health care reform whereas earlier reform efforts had failed?
    • How did changes in the political landscape open a policy window in 2009–2010 that made it easier to pass health care reform?
    • How was the ACA designed to minimize the opposition of health care interest groups such as insurers, doctors, and hospitals that previously had opposed health care reform in the U.S.?
    • How did legislative coalition leaders use techniques of persuasion, procedure, and modification to win over enough members of Congress to pass the bill?
  2. In the conclusion of your essay, provide a brief recommendation to the interest group on the political strategy it should pursue to modify the ACA. Remember that the Club for Growth would like to repeal or scale back the ACA, while MoveOn would like to further expand it. Your recommendations should be tailored to whichever interest group you choose to address. Your recommendations could include advocacy at either the state or federal level. Be sure to consider the political feasibility of your recommendation.

Student Examples

The examples below appear courtesy of MIT students and are used with permission. Examples are published anonymously unless otherwise requested.

The Affordable Care Act: How It Passed and Where to Go from Here (PDF)

The True Costs of the Affordable Care Act (PDF)

The Passage of the Affordable Care Act (PDF)


In the United States, passing gun control measures over the past twenty years has proven very difficult. Yet, in a similar time frame, both the U.K. and Australia enacted significant gun control reforms. Why has it been so much harder to pass gun control legislation in the U.S. than other countries?

Please write a five-page essay in which you make and defend an argument about why gun control reforms have proven more difficult to pass in the United States than in other countries. Analyze both the politics and policy options surrounding gun control reforms.

In the conclusion of your essay, explain the implications of your argument for gun control advocates. Specifically, what would you advise gun control advocates to do differently in order to enact stronger gun control in the United States? This analysis should include a discussion of both political strategy and specific policy proposals.

Note: In this essay, we will be doing a peer review. Prepare a full draft of your essay before class session 13, and print out a copy to bring to class. Your TA will collect your essay, and bring it to recitation for a peer edit. Once you’ve received peer feedback, revise your essay before handing it in at class session 14.

Student Examples

The examples below appear courtesy of MIT students and are used with permission. Examples are published anonymously unless otherwise requested.

The Difficulty of Passing Gun Control in the United States (PDF)

Gun Control Reform in the United States (PDF)


In order to change policy, advocates must make smart decisions about when and where to push for policy change.

Write a 5-page essay in which you compare and contrast the strategic choices made by proponents of immigration and same-sex marriage over the past 10–15 years. For instance, advocates have to make choices about when to seek policy changes, the appropriate policy outcome to pursue at a given point in time, and the best political venues to seek policy changes.

Be sure to analyze how advocates’ strategic choices evolved in response to changes in the political context (e.g., public opinion, elections, etc). In the conclusion of your essay, discuss where you believe proponents of policy change on these two issues are likely to focus their advocacy efforts over the next two years.

Student Examples

The examples below appear courtesy of MIT students and are used with permission. Examples are published anonymously unless otherwise requested.

The Strategies of Gay Marriage and Immigration Reform Advocates (PDF)

Strategic Policy Efforts for Immigration and Same-Sex Marriage Advocates (PDF)

Comparing the Strategic Efforts of Gay Marriage and Immigration Reform Advocates (PDF)


The U.S. Congress has repeatedly failed to enact new legislation to address climate change. As a result, over the past decade, climate policy in the United States has largely developed through a tapestry of new policies at the state level. For instance, many states have enacted Renewable Portfolio Standards to promote renewable energy.

In this five-page essay, discuss both the causes and effects of the fact that so much of the action on climate policy has been at the state level. Your essay should address the following issues:

  1. Why was the U.S. Senate unable to pass legislation on climate change in 2010?
  2. Why has it been easier to implement new policies to address climate change at the state level than at the federal level?
  3. Briefly discuss two of the policies that states are using to address climate change. Stepping back from the details of these policies, what are the likely impacts of these policies on climate change? Are there drawbacks with relying on states to set the pace on climate policy?
  4. In the final section of your essay, discuss how you think climate policy is likely to develop in the United States over the next five years.

Student Examples

The examples below appear courtesy of MIT students and are used with permission. Examples are published anonymously unless otherwise requested.

Causes and Effects of State Level Climate Policy (PDF)

The Flaws of Relying on State-Level Climate Legislation (PDF)

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights