
Mini Case Portfolio

Mini Case Portfolio: Organizational Analysis, Presentation Deck, Executive Summary, and Team Learning Memo

Self-selected teams will be assigned a global health organization or program with a compelling model or mission. Each student group will analyze the organization’s model and potential for impact, scale, and sustainability from financial, operational, strategic, and marketing perspectives, linking to themes from class discussions. See detailed options for the mini-case study (PDF).

Mini Case Portfolio

  • Team memo on value measures, value chain, and value proposition (due class 6)
  • Presentation deck (PPT) (draft due class 8; final version due class 12)
  • Two-page executive summary (draft due class 8; final version due class 12)
  • Integrated sources and bibliography (due class 12)
  • Team learning memo (due class 12)

Check-In Meeting: Each team is required to meet with the course team to seek feedback on their draft presentation and executive summary. This meeting takes place the week of class 9.

In-Class Team Presentation: Your team will present a subset of your slides in class 10, 11, or 12. We will distribute your draft executive summary to your classmates and our invited guests before your presentation, and therefore should be as polished and complete as possible. See the detailed instructions for group project presentations.

Final Draft of Mini Case Portfolio

Final Group Project Executive Summary, Presentation Deck, Bibliography, and Team Learning Memo: Taking into account feedback and discussions, refine your executive summary and presentation deck for class 12. Check that your bibliography is complete. This material will be uploaded to the web for others to read and download, and could be useful to many others. Also prepare a 2-page team memo documenting what you learned from this class.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments
Instructor Insights