

Dr. Shree Ram Tiwali takes a tea stop while traveling to make rounds in rural communities of far western Nepal. Photo by Rob Tinworth for Nyaya Health via Flickr. License: CC-BY.

Alt text:
Tiwali sits across from a woman watching TV and another napping at a small colorful tea shop.
Dr. Shree Ram Tiwali takes a tea stop while traveling to make rounds in rural communities of far western Nepal. (Photo by Rob Tinworth for Nyaya Health via Flickr. License: CC-BY.)
Photo by Rob Tinworth for Nyaya Health via Flickr. License: CC-BY.
Tiwali sits across from a woman watching TV and another napping at a small colorful tea shop.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments
Instructor Insights