15.317 | Summer 2009 | Graduate

Organizational Leadership and Change

Part II


A grade for the course will be assigned after the completion of this final portion of 15.317. Class participation and the reflection paper described below are the graded components of 15.317 Part II.

Final Paper

The final deliverable is a 5 page (max) reflection on your personal leadership take-ways from your two years in the LGO Program. As background for your final reflection, reread your leadership development paper from your first summer. Did you achieve what you had hoped to? What have you learned that you didn’t expect? What were your most pivotal leadership learning experiences over the past two years (either in the formal LGO curriculum or elsewhere) and what did you learn? This paper is due a week after the final class session.

Course Info

As Taught In
Summer 2009
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments