1–2 | Review of Harmonic Functions and the Perspective We Take on Elliptic PDE (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Kevin Sackel. Used with permission.) |
3 | Finding Other Second Derivatives from the Laplacian (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Cole Graham. Used with permission.) |
4 | Korn’s Inequality I (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Paul Gallagher. Used with permission.) |
5 | Korn’s Inequality II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
6 | Schauder’s Inequality (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Paul Gallagher. Used with permission.) |
7 | Using Functional Analysis to Solve Elliptic PDE (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Cole Graham. Used with permission.) |
8 | Sobolev Inequality I (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Paul Gallagher. Used with permission.) |
9 | Sobolev Inequality II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
10–12 | De Giorgi-Nash-Moser Inequality (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Paul Gallagher. Used with permission.) |
13 | Nonlinear Elliptic PDE I (PDF) |
14 | Nonlinear Elliptic PDE II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
15 | Barriers (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
16–17 | Minimal Graphs (PDF) (Courtesy of Spencer Hughes. Used with permission.) |
18–19 | Leray-Schauder Approach to Nonlinear PDE [no lecture notes] |
20 | Gauss Circle Problem I (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
21 | Gauss Circle Problem II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Kevin Sackel. Used with permission.) |
22–24 | Fourier Analysis in PDE and Interpolation (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Kevin Sackel. Used with permission.) |
25 | Applications of Interpolation (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
26 | Calderon-Zygmund Inequality I (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
27 | Calderon-Zygmund Inequality II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
28 | Littlewood-Paley Theory (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Jane Wang. Used with permission.) |
29 | Strichartz Inequality I (PDF) |
30 | Strichartz Inequality II (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Cole Graham. Used with permission.) |
31–34 | The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (PDF) (This file is transcribed by Kevin Sackel. Used with permission.) |
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