Lecture Topics
Lecture Video: Interference, Soap Bubble
The phenomena related to interference are discussed in this lecture. Prof. Lee explains the origin of the color on soap bubbles and performs an estimation on the thickness of a soap bubble.
Lecture Notes
Typed Notes for Lecture 20 (PDF)
Handwritten Notes for Lecture 20 (PDF - 1.6MB)
Textbook Reading
Chapter 13: Interference and Diffraction (PDF - 1.6MB)
- Section 13.4.1 The Single Slit is important for this course
- Section 13.4.2 Near-field Diffraction is not covered, but interesting
- Section 13.4.4. δ “Functions” is not covered in this course
Problem Set
Problem Solving Help Video*
Accelerated Charges Radiating Electromagnetic Waves
Interference of Electromagnetic Waves
In-class Demonstrations
Reflection off Soap Bubbles |
Reflection off a Soap Film and Reflection off a Soap Film |
Related Resources
Video: A Soap Film by Kevin Osborn on YouTube
Video: Double Slit Experiment by Veritasium on YouTube
Webpage: Double-slit Experiment from Hitachi Group
* Note: These Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.