CMS.360 | Fall 2012 | Undergraduate

Introduction to Civic Media


There are five different aspects of this course on which students will be graded.

  1. Texts & discussion (20%): Students are responsible for engaging with all texts for the class, and coming to all course meetings prepared to discuss the week’s texts.
  2. Weekly reflections (30%): Expect to spend time (2-3 hours) each week on a reflection that you will post to the course blog.
  3. Discussion facilitation and synthesis (10%): Each week, a student (or pair of students, depending on class size) will be responsible for co-facilitating discussion of the assigned texts. This student (or pair) will also be responsible for synthesizing that week’s texts, blog posts, and discussion notes into a single topical post for the Center for Civic Media blog.
  4. Midterm project proposal (10%): At the semester’s midpoint, each student (or group) will present a final project proposal and work plan for feedback from the rest of the students and instructor.
  5. Final project & presentation (30%): The final project for Introduction to Civic Media is flexible, but is expected to be a significant original work that reflects both your understanding of the topics and texts covered in the course as well as your own ideas.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2012
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples
Projects with Examples