EC.711 | Spring 2011 | Undergraduate

D-Lab: Energy



During the spring break trip to Nicaragua, students worked with community partners on various projects like a solar oven, shown here baking sugar cookies. Photo courtesy of D-Lab on Flickr.

Alt text:
Photo of a student standing outdoors next to a box containing cookies, with clear plexiglass top and a large foil solar reflector.
During the spring break trip to Nicaragua, students worked with community partners on various projects like a solar oven, shown here baking sugar cookies. (Photo courtesy of D-Lab on Flickr.)
Photo courtesy of D-Lab on Flickr.
Photo of a student standing outdoors next to a box containing cookies, with clear plexiglass top and a large foil solar reflector.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2011
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Projects with Examples
Lecture Videos
Demonstration Videos
Activity Assignments
Design Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments with Examples