EC.711 | Spring 2011 | Undergraduate

D-Lab: Energy

Week 2: Energy Storage; Measurement Lab

Lab 2 Writeup Assignment

For each of the modules, provide the following analysis and discussion. As a general rule, you should present all of your raw data in a table or other easy to read format. If you are asked to show calculations, you can show one calculation or formula as an example and indicate that the rest of calculations were performed that way.

Power Module


Plot the power vs resistance of the system, showing your calculations. At what load did your solar panel output the maximum power and what was it?


Was the peak power output load captured in your range of resistances? What did you expect your graph to look like? Did the graph match your expectations?

Angle Optimization


Plot the power output of the solar panel vs angle of the solar panel for both orientations on the same graph, showing your calculations. Based on the results, what was the angle to the sun?


How do the two graphs for the different orientations compare? From theory, the power drop with respect to angle should be a function of the cosine of the angle. How do your findings compare? Are your graphs symmetric about the peak? Why or why not?

Shading Module


Plot the power output of the graph vs surface area of the exposed panel for both orientations on the same graph, showing your calculations.


How does the power output change with surface area? Did the power output drop off as you expected it to drop off when the solar panel was covered? Explain. Did the power drop off the same for both orientations? Why or why not?


What did you learn from the lab that could be applied to designing a solar power system? What were some sources of error in the experiment? How could you have avoided these in the future?

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As Taught In
Spring 2011
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Projects with Examples
Lecture Videos
Demonstration Videos
Activity Assignments
Design Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments with Examples