14.15J | Spring 2018 | Undergraduate


Lecture and Recitation Notes

Recitation 10 Notes


  • Repeated games
  • Infinitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma
  • Finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma 

Repeated Games (A Special Case of Dynamic Games)

In the real world, strategic interactions continue over a period of time. Dynamic games incorporate time structure into sets of strategies and sets of payoffs. 

Recall the Prisoner’s Dilemma:

  C  D
C (1, 1) (-1, 2)
D (2, -1) (0, 0)

Both cooperate (1,1): Cooperative outcome (against individual’s incentives?).
Both defect (0,0): Nash equilibrium outcome.

Question: When can “cooperative outcome” be sustained?
Example: Unilever and P&G price fixing in 2011 or a lysine cartel in the 1990’s.

Answer: When the game is played repeatedly, “cooperative outcomes” can be sustained as an equilibrium! This means no incentive to deviate!

Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

Folk Theorem: (C, C) → (C, C) → … can be a equilibrum outcome if players are patient enough. 

(1, 1) (-1, 2)     C (1, 1) (-1, 2) →  …
D (2, -1) (0, 0)       D (2, -1) (0, 0)


Consider the following strategy for player 1:

  • t = 1: Play C.
  • t ≥ 2: If player 2 has been playing C up to period t, play C; otherwise, play D.

Consider the same strategy for player 2. 

Let’s check that this is an equilibrium:

  1. At period t, suppose they have been playing (C, C).
    By sticking to C, one obtains 1 + 𝛿 + 𝛿2 + … = 1/(1-𝛿 ).
    By deviating to D, one obtains 2 + 0 + 0 + … = 2.
    → If 𝛿 ≥ ½, no incentive to deviate.
  2. At period t, suppose either has deviated to D.
    By sticking to D, one obtains 0 + 0 + … = 0.
    By deviating to C, one obtains -1 + 0 + … = -1
    → No incentive to deviate. 

Thus, this pair of strategies constitutes an equilibrium. Intuiton: Players can punish opponents’ deviation in future periods. 

Finitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

What if players can only play for a fixed T times? Cooperation is not sustainable.


  1. Consider similar strategies and suppose they have coopperated until T-1. At period T:
    By sticking to C, one obtains 1.
    By deviating to D, one obtains 2. 
    → Incentive to deviate.
  2. Consider similar stategies except for playing D at T. At T-1:
    By playing C, one obtains 1 + 0 = 1.
    By deviating to D, one obtains 2 + 0 = 2.
    → Incentive to deviate.

By induction, they have incentives to deviate unless they play (D, D) in all periods.

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