18.02SC | Fall 2010 | Undergraduate

Multivariable Calculus

4. Triple Integrals and Surface Integrals in 3-Space

Part C: Line Integrals and Stokes' Theorem

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In this part we will extend Green’s theorem in work form to Stokes’ theorem. For a given vector field, this relates the field’s work integral over a closed space curve with the flux integral of the field’s curl over any surface that has that curve as its boundary.

» Session 88: Line Integrals in Space
» Session 89: Gradient Fields and Potential Functions
» Session 90: Curl in 3D
» Session 91: Stokes’ Theorem
» Session 92: Proof of Stokes’ Theorem
» Session 93: Example
» Session 94: Simply Connected Regions; Topology
» Session 95: Stokes’ Theorem and Surface Independence
» Session 96: Summary of Multiple Integration
» Problem Set 12

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Read course notes and examples
  • Watch a recitation video

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Line Integrals in Space

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Reading and Examples

Line Integrals in Space (PDF)

Recitation Video

Line Integral on a Helix

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Work Along a Space Curve (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Read course notes
  • Read notes and examples
  • Watch a recitation video

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Curl in 3D

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Del Notation (PDF)

Reading and Examples

Physical Meaning of Curl (PDF)

Recitation Video

Conservative Fields and Exact Differentials


Testing for a Conservative Field (PDF)

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Curl in 3D (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Read course notes and examples
  • Watch a recitation video

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Stokes’ Theorem

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Reading and Examples

Stokes’ Theorem (PDF)

Recitation Video

Stokes’ Theorem

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Stokes’ Theorem (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Watch a recitation video

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Example

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Recitation Video

Extended Stokes’ Theorem


Extended Stokes’ Theorem (PDF)

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Extended Stokes’ Theorem (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Read course notes
  • Watch two recitation videos

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Simply Connected Regions, Topology

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Some Topological Questions (PDF)

Recitation Video

Simply Connected Regions

More Stokes’ Theorem

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Simply Connected Regions (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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In this session you will:

  • Watch a lecture video clip and read board notes
  • Watch a recitation video

Lecture Video

Video Excerpts

Clip: Stokes’ Theorem and Surface Independence

The following images show the chalkboard contents from these video excerpts. Click each image to enlarge.

Recitation Video

Consequences of Stokes’ Theorem

Problems and Solutions

Problems: Surface Independence (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Problem Sets with Solutions
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes