2.007 | Spring 2009 | Undergraduate

Design and Manufacturing I


Your mission: Clean up planet earth and re-establish plant life.

The challenge for this year’s 2.007 robots is to clean up the environment. (Image by Dan Frey.)

Robots begin inside their respective starting box (12" high, 22" wide, 10" deep) with the door closed. Once time starts, the door opens forming a ramp. You will have 60 seconds to exit the box, clean up the table, and/or retrieve the plant. For the first 10 seconds, your robot operates autonomously and in the subsequent 50 seconds under radio control.

The fate of the planet is in your hands!

Table Description

Contest Rules

Parts and Equipment

Project Kit List (PDF)
SolidWorks Parts Archive (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains: 36 .sldprt files, 1 .rpt file, 1 .xlo file, 1 .igs file and 1 .sldasm file.)
Notes on Lithium Polymer Batteries (PDF)


1 Explore kit & contest (PDF) Kit and contest exploration (PDF)
2 Build a simple car & preliminary strategy (PDF) Develop strategy and work toward final car design (PDF)
3 Design concept (PDF) Develop concept and finalize car design (PDF)
4 Design of most critical module (PDF) Design MCM and build final car (PDF)
5 Fabrication of most critical module (PDF) Fabricate MCM (PDF)
6 Complete MCM fabrication (PDF)
7 Demonstration of most critical module (PDF) Demonstration of MCM (PDF)
8 Integration of design (PDF) Completion plan (PDF)
9 Demonstration of integrated machine (PDF)  
10 Design iteration (PDF)  
11 Fabrication of improved machine (PDF)  
12 Demonstration of improved machine  
13 Final refinements  
14 Debriefs with section (PDF)  

Past Projects

The 2.007 theme changes every year to provide an ongoing challenge for students and robots.

2003 Project: The Two Tables

2005 Project: Tic Tech Toe

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2009
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Competition Videos
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples