6.868J | Fall 2011 | Graduate

The Society of Mind


For this course, there are three homework assignments and a final project. The third homework assignment is optional. For the final project, a required proposal is due in session 10.


Homework 1 - Due Session 3

This assignment contains five problems, as well as an extra credit question.

Homework 2 - Due Session 6

This assignment contains five problems.

Homework 3 (Optional) - Due Session 11

This assignment contains four problems on chapter 4–9 of The Emotion Machine.

Final Project

Final Project Proposal - Due Session 10 and Final Project - Due Session 13

You must submit a 1–2 page proposal about what you or your group plans to do for the final project, and we must approve your topic.

Proposal Due, Session 10

You must submit a 1–2 page proposal about what you or your group plans to do for the final project, and we must approve your topic. Your proposals should include a clear and concise description of the problem, what you aim to do (research, programming, experimentation, etc), and the names of the people involved.

Final Project Due, Session 12

  • TAs will send out office hours for discussing final projects.
  • You are welcome to work in groups, but the work involved should be proportional to the number of people in your group. Groups’ write-ups must include a section that describes the contributions from each member.
  • Programming / constructive projects are encouraged. Such projects should be accompanied by a 3–5 page problem statement, documentation and conclusions from the project.
  • If your project is entirely written (in English), it should be 10–15 pages in length, 1–1.5x spaced with proper margins and citations.
  • The final project is 50% of your grade—get started early, and if you need help, meet with the TAs!
  • The final project is due the last day of class, Session 12.

For guidance about how to clearly communicate difficult ideas, please refer to this advice from Michael Covington:

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Problem 1. What are three questions you would be interested in asking Professor Minsky about Chapter 1 of The Emotion Machine?

Problem 2. What are the most important problems in your field that have been addressed by AI already? What are the most important problems in your field that you think AI could contribute to?

Problem 3. The behavior of a complex__________depends only on how its parts____________, not what type of___________they’re_____________.

Problem 4. ___________s and ___________s can react to mental obstacles by switching on and off different_____________.

Problem 5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of Zato coding? Do they match the requirements for information transfer in the brain, given empirical findings?1 Why or why not?

Extra Credit. Implement Zato coding and evaluate its performance on some dataset (ideally, but not necessarily “real data” of some variety) against any other scheme(s) using any well-defined metrics (e.g. throughput, error rate, capacity), explaining why these metrics are appropriate. What did you learn from this experiment?

1As an example, see Anderson, Michael L. Neural Reuse: A Fundamental Organizational Principal for the Brain. (PDF) Brain and Behavioral Sciences 33 (2010): pp. 245-313.

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Problem 1. What are three questions you would be interested in asking Professor Minsky about Chapters 2 and 3 of The Emotion Machine?

Problem 2. _____________is the process of tracing the provenance of a action that resulted in a success or failure and modifying the responsible resources so that they will be used or avoided in similar future problems.

Problem 3. What role does pleasure play in Minsky’s theory of credit assignment?

Problem 4. In §3.5 Minsky1 writes that humor can be seen as a by-product of acquiring negative expertise. Do you agree? Write a joke and try to identify the negative expertise it contains.

Problem 5. Give three examples situations where you could use emotional exploitation.

1Also see: Minsky, Marvin. “Jokes and Their Relation to the Cognitive Unconscious.” AI Memo no. 603. November, 1980.

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These questions are on chapters 4–9 on the Emotion Machine.

Problem 1. One critical component of problem solving is having a good representation of the problem. This entails representing the relevant objects, properties and relations at the right level of detail1. You’ll also need to represent a goal state in order to determine progress, and possibly some anti-goal states that you wish to avoid2.

When knowledge is shared among members of a community, it is called commonsense knowledge and it consists of generalizations that are “true” by default. Because there are often exceptions to generalizations, it is indirect to talk about knowledge being true or false without first explaining the problem solving context: other assumptions (commonsense knowledge) that are left implicit. This problem is pervasive in natural language, which is the form of knowledge you will be dealing with for this problem. Instead of using the vague notion of truth, we can characterize knowledge as useful for solving a particular problem or class of problems, it is consistent within its local context, but not necessarily consistent with all of the agent’s knowledge.

The goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about knowledge: how it can be used, represented, and organized within a resourceful commonsense reasoning architecture. Good answers will show ingenuity and comprehension of a detailed problem solving architecture.

Take a look at the first 500 entries in the OpenMind project and pick three assertions from the corpus. These statements all depend on other hidden common sense assumptions that you should try to unpack. For each, answer the following questions:

  1. What are some problems/goals that this assertion would be useful for solving?
  2. What are some problems/goals that appear, on the surface3, to be related to the knowledge but are not?
  3. Describe a computational (procedural or representational) mechanism for distinguishing between using this knowledge for a problem in (1) from using it in a irrelevant problem in (2).
  4. Imagine that you have acquired new information (ie by perception) that is related to this assertion that supports or disagrees with your assertion. Write this new knowledge down.
  5. Combine your two assertions to derive a new piece of useful knowledge (by induction, deduction, abduction, or analogy4) or other information (eg a contradiction).
  6. Combine your two assertions to derive a useless/absurd conclusion.
  7. Describe a way to avoid drawing the useless/absurd conclusion (6). For example use and describe a reflective critic, structural knowledge, or an invention of your own.

Problem 2. For each of the layers of Model–6, give a concise description of the layer’s function in your own words along with a supporting example.

Problem 3. Self-Models

  • What are some reasons why you would need to switch between many small models rather than just using one complete model for all problems?
  • What are the advantages of having a self model? What are some disadvantages?
  • Given an example of some software or hardware artifact that uses self models to some extent.

Problem 4. In the section on Learned Reactions, Minsky describes how IF DO rules alone are not enough because there are always exceptions for each rule, which would make the assertion false. What benefits does adding THEN to IF DO rules provide?

1If the description is too vague/ambiguous, it may match too many items; however, if it is too specific or precise, it may never match anything!

2See: Minsky, Marvin. “Negative Expertise.” International Journal of Expert Systems 7 no. 1 (1994): 13-19.

3For example, they share some of the same objects, properties or relations.

4If you don’t understand these terms, see: Sowa, John. “The Challenge of Knowledge Soup” (PDF). jfsowa.com. Explain any additional missing background knowledge that was relevant to your inference.

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2011
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Written Assignments