Proposal Due, Session 10
You must submit a 1–2 page proposal about what you or your group plans to do for the final project, and we must approve your topic. Your proposals should include a clear and concise description of the problem, what you aim to do (research, programming, experimentation, etc), and the names of the people involved.
Final Project Due, Session 12
- TAs will send out office hours for discussing final projects.
- You are welcome to work in groups, but the work involved should be proportional to the number of people in your group. Groups’ write-ups must include a section that describes the contributions from each member.
- Programming / constructive projects are encouraged. Such projects should be accompanied by a 3–5 page problem statement, documentation and conclusions from the project.
- If your project is entirely written (in English), it should be 10–15 pages in length, 1–1.5x spaced with proper margins and citations.
- The final project is 50% of your grade—get started early, and if you need help, meet with the TAs!
- The final project is due the last day of class, Session 12.
For guidance about how to clearly communicate difficult ideas, please refer to this advice from Michael Covington:
- Covington, Michael. “How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily.” (PDF) How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily. 2009.
- Covington, Michael. How to Write a Term Paper or Thesis. (PDF) How to Write. 2011.