EC.716 | Fall 2015 | Undergraduate

D-Lab: Waste


There are three writing assignments throughout the semester. Each paper should be 4–5 pages in length. In addition, students will give one presentation on one of their papers. These presentations are meant to present a detailed version of the paper on the same topic. Each presentation will be 20 minutes in length, with 10 minutes for Q&A.

You will be evaluated on the depth of your presentation, synthesis of material, integration of class content and clarity of thought. Bonus points will be awarded for innovative presentation styles.

Reflection Papers

  1. Waste Technology
  2. Material Stream
  3. Partnerships / Enterprises

First Reflection

Subject: Waste Management Technology

Use this reflection to explore a waste management technology with one of three lenses:

  1. Technologies for a specific material stream - Choose one material and examine the technologies used to process / treat that material
  2. Technology Case Study - Choose three areas (cities, communities, government jurisdiction) and compare the technologies used in the three areas
  3. Specific Technology - Explore a technology in depth, its application, scale of use and considerations for purchase and implementation (like cost, size, etc.)


  • 4–5 pages; 4 pages in writing, more with charts / graphs
  • Helvetica size 12, 1.5 spacing or less

Evaluated on

  • Scope of paper
  • Synthesis of material presented
  • Integration of class content


  • Background of technology and its application
  • Detailed analysis and synthesis of researched materials that showcases the secondary sources you used to research a technology
  • Propose an actionable outcome from research that either you (the student) or some other actor could move forward
    • For example:
      • What gaps need to be filled in the existing research in regards to the technology featured in your research?
      • What are the limitations of the technology?
      • What other innovations (system, technology, policy) could help the technology, material processing or waste management need that you researched?

Second Reflection

Subject: Difficult Waste Streams

The goal of this paper is to explore a difficult waste stream by either looking at it through: A specific waste stream and the types of processes / disposal that can be used or evaluating a case study on how a difficult waste stream is disposed in an area.

Difficult wastes are those which can be harmful to human health or the environment, or where the physical properties of the wastes can create serious handling problems.


  • E-waste
  • Medical Waste
  • Plastics
  • Nuclear waste
  • Sanitary waste (diapers, sanitary napkins, etc.)
  • Human waste

Material Stream

Choose one material that is difficult to handle and compare / contrast the different processes / disposal options for that waste streams

City / Case Study / Area / Jurisdiction

Choose one city / country / etc.; outline and evaluate the processes / disposal mechanisms employed to handle a difficult waste stream. For example: Look at Ghana’s e-waste disposal in one housing settlement and dumpsite or Japan’s disposal of nuclear waste.

Paper Requirements

  • 4–5 pages
    • At least 4 pages of writing
    • 5 pages with charts / graphs, etc.
  • Font: Helvetica: 12 font; 1.5 spacing
  • Graphs and charts go into the Appendix
  • Graded on:
    • Scope of paper
    • Synthesis of material presented in paper
    • Integration of class content (for example: ISWM, LCA, etc)
  • Paper Structure
    • Background (Scope of paper)
      • If material stream:
        • Why did you choose the material?
        • How much of the material is being consumed?
        • LCA of handling, processing and disposing of this material
      • If case study:
        • Why did you choose this case? What material stream will you focus on and why?
        • Introduce the case (population, location, socioeconomics, any other pertinent details)
        • LCA of existing handling, processing, disposal of waste stream
    • Detailed analysis and synthesis of researched material
      • If material stream:
        • What are the current handling, technologies, processes and disposal options for this material? How do they compare in economic cost, scale, and pros / cons?
        • Use LCA to describe the human and environmental cost for each of the handling and disposal options
        • Compare the cost of the different technologies / processes / disposal options
        • Introduce some of the legislation around control of this material. For example: Choose one or two countries and outline how they regulate the handling, processing and disposal of this material or give us a general outline of what legislation can be used to regulate this material.
      • If case study:
        • What does the current system of WM for this stream entail? Process from A to Z, economic cost, scale, pros / cons?
        • Use LCA to describe any human and environmental cost for each of the handling and disposal options
        • Compare the city / country’s current WM with that of other city / country
    • In conclusion: Propose an actionable outcome from research that either you (the student) or some other actor could move forward
      • For example:
        • What gaps need to be filled in the existing research?
        • What actions could propel further movement in the space of your research?
        • What other innovations (system, technology, policy) could help the space of your research?

Third Reflection

Subject: Waste Management Partnership / Enterprise / Actor

The third paper is a chance to select either a:

  • Specific actor (for example: Waste Management, Save that Stuff, Wecyclers, Sanergy, Enevo, etc.)
  • Specific partnership (for example: Casella and the City of Cambridge)


  • Introduce the actor or partnership (history, competition, business model, size (revenue and employees), any trends in their size)
  • Discuss their role in the waste management system
    • Who are their partners
    • Where do they work
    • What is their comparative advantage
    • Who are their competitors
    • What role do they serve in the waste management system (for example: Collection, transportation, etc.)
    • What types of materials do they handle and how much per year
    • Has there been any press (positive or negative) on their work
    • Is anything from these models transferable to developing settings? How would that work?
  • Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (a SWOT model)
  • End with your conclusions about the actor or partnership
    • Do you see this as a lasting model?


  • 4–5 pages; 4 pages in writing, more with charts / graphs
  • Helvetica Size 12; 1.5 spacing or less

Evaluated on

  • Scope of paper
  • Synthesis of material presented
  • Integration of class content


  • Background
  • Detailed analysis and synthesis of researched material
  • Propose an actionable outcome from research that either you (the student) or some other actor could move forward
    • For example:
      • What gaps need to be filled in the existing research?
      • What actions could propel further movement in the space of your research?

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2015
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights