EC.716 | Fall 2015 | Undergraduate

D-Lab: Waste


First Reflection Paper: Waste Technology

First Reflection

Subject: Waste Management Technology

Use this reflection to explore a waste management technology with one of three lenses:

  1. Technologies for a specific material stream - Choose one material and examine the technologies used to process / treat that material
  2. Technology Case Study - Choose three areas (cities, communities, government jurisdiction) and compare the technologies used in the three areas
  3. Specific Technology - Explore a technology in depth, its application, scale of use and considerations for purchase and implementation (like cost, size, etc.)


  • 4–5 pages; 4 pages in writing, more with charts / graphs
  • Helvetica size 12, 1.5 spacing or less

Evaluated on

  • Scope of paper
  • Synthesis of material presented
  • Integration of class content


  • Background of technology and its application
  • Detailed analysis and synthesis of researched materials that showcases the secondary sources you used to research a technology
  • Propose an actionable outcome from research that either you (the student) or some other actor could move forward
    • For example:
      • What gaps need to be filled in the existing research in regards to the technology featured in your research?
      • What are the limitations of the technology?
      • What other innovations (system, technology, policy) could help the technology, material processing or waste management need that you researched?

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2015
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights