EC.716 | Fall 2015 | Undergraduate

D-Lab: Waste


Third Reflection Paper: Partnerships/Enterprises

Third Reflection

Subject: Waste Management Partnership / Enterprise / Actor

The third paper is a chance to select either a:

  • Specific actor (for example: Waste Management, Save that Stuff, Wecyclers, Sanergy, Enevo, etc.)
  • Specific partnership (for example: Casella and the City of Cambridge)


  • Introduce the actor or partnership (history, competition, business model, size (revenue and employees), any trends in their size)
  • Discuss their role in the waste management system
    • Who are their partners
    • Where do they work
    • What is their comparative advantage
    • Who are their competitors
    • What role do they serve in the waste management system (for example: Collection, transportation, etc.)
    • What types of materials do they handle and how much per year
    • Has there been any press (positive or negative) on their work
    • Is anything from these models transferable to developing settings? How would that work?
  • Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (a SWOT model)
  • End with your conclusions about the actor or partnership
    • Do you see this as a lasting model?


  • 4–5 pages; 4 pages in writing, more with charts / graphs
  • Helvetica Size 12; 1.5 spacing or less

Evaluated on

  • Scope of paper
  • Synthesis of material presented
  • Integration of class content


  • Background
  • Detailed analysis and synthesis of researched material
  • Propose an actionable outcome from research that either you (the student) or some other actor could move forward
    • For example:
      • What gaps need to be filled in the existing research?
      • What actions could propel further movement in the space of your research?

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2015
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights