6.803 | Spring 2019 | Undergraduate

The Human Intelligence Enterprise

Course Readings

Buy at MIT Press Robert C. Berwick and Noam Chomsky (2017) Chapter 1 of Why Only Us: Language and Evolution, reprint edition. MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262533492.

Gary Borchardt (1993), “Causal Reconstruction” (PDF). MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory AI Memo #1403.

Rodney A. Brooks (1991), “Intelligence without Representation” (PDF). MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory AI Memo #1293.

Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits (1993), “What is a Knowledge Representation?” AI Magazine 14(1): 17–33.

Evelina Fedorenko and Rosemary Varley (2016), “Language and Thought Are Not the Same Thing: Evidence from Neuroimaging and Neurological Patients.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1369(1): 132–153.

György Gergely (2003), “What Should a Robot Learn from an Infant? Mechanisms of Action Interpretation and Observational Learning in Infancy.” Connection Science 15(4). 

Clark Glymour (2007), “Bayesian Ptolemaic Psychology” (PDF).

Linda Hermer-Vazquez, Elizabeth S. Spelke, and Alla S. Katsnelson (1999), “Sources of Flexibility in Human Cognition: Dual-Task Studies of Space and Language.” Cognitive Psychology 39(1): 3–36.

Buy at MIT Press Ray Jackendoff (1983), “Semantics of Spatial Expressions” in Semantics and Cognition. MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262600132.

Alex Krizhevsky, Illya Sutskever, and Geoffrey E. Hinton (2012), “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks” (PDF)Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25(2).

Stephen Larson (2003), “Intrinsic Representation: Bootstrapping Symbols From Experience” (PDF). MIT thesis.

J. Y. Lettvin, H. R. Maturana, W. S. McCulloch, and W. H. Pitts (1968), “What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain” in The Mind: Biological Approaches to its Functions, William C. Corning and Martin Balaban (eds.). Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 9780470174937.

David Marr (1976), “Artificial Intelligence - A Personal View” (PDF).

Robert McIntyre (2014), “Recognizing Actions Using Embodiment & Empathy.” MIT M.Eng. thesis.

Marvin Minsky (1960), “Steps toward Artificial Intelligence.” 

Marvin Minsky (1979), “K-Lines: A Theory of Memory.”

Marvin Minsky (2005), draft version of The Emotion Machine, parts IV and V.

Anh Nguyen, Jason Yosinsky, and Jeff Clune (2015), “Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images” (PDF). 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).

David Silver et al. (2016), “Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search.” Nature 529: 484–489.

Ian Tattersall (2008), “An Evolutionary Framework for the Acquisition of Symbolic Cognition by Homo sapiens” (PDF). Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews  3: 99–114.

Joshua Tenenbaum, Charles Kemp, Thomas Griffiths, and Noah Goodman (2011), “How to Grow a Mind: Statistics, Structure, and Abstraction.” Science 331: 1279–1285.

A. M. Turing (1950), “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” Mind 59(236): 433–460.

Buy at MIT Press Shimon Ullman (1996), “Visual Cognition and Visual Routines” in High Level Vision. MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262710077.

Patrick Henry Winston and Dylan Holmes (2018), “The Genesis Enterprise: Taking Artificial Intelligence to Another Level via a Computational Account of Human Story Understanding.” MIT Computational Models of Human Intelligence (CMHI) Report #1.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2019
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments