RES.15-003 | Spring 2016 | Graduate

Shaping the Future of Work (15.662x)

1.1 Introduction to the Course and the 15.662x Team

Video: Meet Professor Kochan and the 15.662x Team

Description: Prof. Kochan contextualizes the course and gives some personal background. The rest of the teaching team, Barbara Dyer, Zeynep Ton, Christine Riordan, Francesca Cicileo, and John McCarthy, introduce themselves and the topics they will cover in the course.

Instructors: Tom Kochan, Barbara Dyer, Zeynep Ton, Christing Riordan, Francesca Cicileo and John McCarthy

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2016
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Online Textbook
Instructor Insights