RES.15-003 | Spring 2016 | Graduate

Shaping the Future of Work (15.662x)

Additional Resources

As we move through the course, we’ll also be talking about efforts currently underway to update and modernize many of our employment policies, and how this relates to the idea of a reestablished social contract at work. Below is a link to an article from Professor Kochan on wage norms and policies.  Following this is a video from the United States Department of Labor regarding the need for paid leave.

A New Wage Norm

Kochan, Tom. “American Doesn’t Just ‘Need a Raise,’ We Need a New National Norm for Wage Growth.”

U.S. Department of Labor: It’s Time to Lead on Leave

Did you know? The U.S. is the only industrialized nation without any paid family leave law. With the changing nature of our 21st-century workforce, it’s getting harder and harder to balance the demands of the family you love and the job you need. Change has yet to come to Washington, but momentum is growing in the states: So far, California, Rhode Island and New Jersey have passed paid leave laws. It’s time to update workplace policies that are stuck in the past and give more Americans paid family leave – to take care of sick loved ones and newborn children. Learn more about paid leave in the U.S.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2016
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Online Textbook
Instructor Insights