18.01SC | Fall 2010 | Undergraduate

Single Variable Calculus

5. Exploring the Infinite

Part A: L'Hospital's Rule and Improper Integrals

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L’Hospital’s rule describes how we can use the derivative to calculate certain limits. The second half of this part of the course discusses how to calculate the area under a graph when that area is unbounded.

» Session 87: L’Hospital’s Rule
» Session 88: Examples of L’Hospital’s Rule
» Session 89: L’Hospital’s Rule and Rates of Growth
» Session 90: Advanced Examples of L’Hospital’s Rule
» Session 91: Improper Integrals
» Session 92: Integral Comparison
» Session 93: Indefinite Integrals and Singularities

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Early in the course we discussed limits and things that could go wrong when trying to compute them. For example, we might end up trying to divide zero by zero when calculating a limit. L’Hospital’s rule is the tool we employ when this is unavoidable.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Introduction to L’Hospital’s Rule

Clip 2: Elementary Example of L’Hospital’s Rule

Worked Example

sin x/(1 − cos x) as x Approaches 0

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Why L’Hospital’s Rule Works

Clip 2: L’Hospital’s Rule, Version 1

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In this session we see how L’Hospital’s rule is used and how it is related to quadratic approximation. Finally, we learn what other limits L’Hospital’s rule can be applied to.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Limit of sin(5x)/sin(2x)

Clip 2: Repeating L’Hospital’s Rule

Clip 3: Comparison With Approximation

Clip 4: Extensions of L’Hospital’s Rule

Worked Example

Limits at Infinity for ex/x and x/ex

Recitation Video

L’Hospital Practice

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In this session we see the power of L’Hospital’s rule and some pitfalls to avoid. The session concludes with a summary of our findings on rates of growth.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: The Indeterminate Form 00

Clip 2: Limit of sin(x)/(x2)

Worked Example

Limit as x Goes to Infinity of x(1/x)

Recitation Video

Failure of L’Hospital’s Rule

Indeterminate Forms

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: L’Hospital’s Rule, Continued

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Integration allows us to find the area under the curve. Improper integrals let us find this area (if it’s well defined) even when that curve extends to infinity. Knowing whether the area under a graph up to a large, finite value of x is significantly different from the area under the entire graph can help us simplify calculations and avoid approximation errors.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Introduction to Improper Integrals

Clip 2: Integral of e-kx

Clip 3: Integral of e-x2

Clip 4: Integral of 1/x

Worked Example

Integrating 1/(5x + 2)2 from 1 to Infinity

Recitation Video

A Solid With Finite Volume and Infinite Cross Section

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Integral of 1/(xp)

Recitation Video

Improper Integrals

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Integral comparison can help determine if an improper integral converges, without calculating the integral.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Introduction to Comparison

Worked Example

Confirming an Integral Converges

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Functions Without Elementary Anti-Derivatives

Clip 2: Comparison Example

Recitation Video

Integral of xn e(-x)

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We can find the area under the curve near a vertical asymptote using a process similar to the one used to find the area under a curve going to infinity. If we forget to do this, we may get a nonsensical value for our integral.

Lecture Video and Notes

Video Excerpts

Clip 1: Indefinite Integrals over Singularities

Clip 2: Improper Integrals of the Second Kind, Continued

Clip 3: Overview of Improper Integrals

Clip 4: An Improper Integral of the Second Kind

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets with Solutions
Recitation Videos