The Challenge: Data are wasted, lost, and under-used. Describe your perception of this challenge for science. This paragraph might describe, for example, specific examples of when and why data reuse is important for your science, something you learned from the readings you didn’t already know, and/or a personal experience you’ve had that really brought this challenge home.
The Tool: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) data sharing (data management plans, meta-data standards, data repositories). Describe what you did in fulfilling the practical activity. This might also include any snags you hit.
Critical evaluation of the tool. What is the promise of these data repositories and standards in addressing the challenge of lost and wasted data? What are the biggest technical obstacles to data sharing in your subfield? These might include the effort required to develop data standards, to prepare datasets for sharing, or to find data once they have been shared. What are the biggest social obstacles to data sharing in your subfield?
This response paper should be 1-2 pages long, single-spaced. Total points: 3.