Study Materials

Strategy, Process & Style

Reading Like a Professional

Writing Strategy Checklist: Questions to Ask

Peer Review Workshop

Peer Review Workshop: Writing for the Public

Abstract / Introduction: Checklist

E-mail, Memos & Letters

Technical Memo Checklist

Job Letters

Job Application Letter Checklist

Writing Up Research

Checklist for Effective Proposals

Thesis Abstract Preparation Guidelines (Courtesy of Emeritus Professor Michael Driscoll, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering. Used with permission.)

Guide to the Thesis Summary Chapter (Courtesy of Emeritus Professor Michael Driscoll, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering. Used with permission.)

Conference Papers & Poster Sessions

The Craft of Professional Speaking (PDF)

Tips for Presenting Posters

Use the following questions to frame constructive feedback in your peer review.


  1. What type of abstract have you written? What kind of document is the abstract summarizing? Who is the audience?
  2. Does the format of your abstract conform to the conventions of one of the following types: Descriptive, informative, thesis or executive summary?
  3. Does the balance of the abstract’s content reflect the purpose of your abstract?
  4. Is any of the content unnecessary or inappropriate for the abstract? Does some information belong in your Introduction?
  5. Is your tone appropriately formal? Is your sentence structure accurate and reader-friendly?
  6. Have you included a document title?


  1. Is the conventional “A, but B; therefore C” structure readily identifiable? If not, why not?
  2. Is the Introduction “plain” or “spicy”? Can you easily identify each component?
  3. Have you used key vocabulary, e.g., problem, question, motivation, objectives, etc.?
  4. Have you included internal documentation AND end citations for the works you have cited in the Introduction?
  5. If appropriate, does your literature review demonstrate a critical reading of the research papers.
  6. Is your tone appropriately formal? Is your sentence structure accurate and reader-friendly?

An effective proposal will answer the key questions satisfactorily and conform to the reader’s expectations about format, contents, level of detail, and tone.

Can you make the following claims about your proposal?

  1. My proposal shows sensitivity to audience and purpose. This is reflected in the
    • Format
    • Amount of background information
    • Amount of technical detail
  2. My proposal has a strong introduction, including clear expression of
    • Context / background
    • Problem / question / hole
    • Objectives
  3. My proposal provides a detailed description of my approach (using future verb forms) that allows the audience to be confident in my competence.
  4. My proposal clearly states the benefits / expected outcomes as a result of my project.
  5. My proposal includes appropriate end material. If appropriate to the context, it could include a budget, a schedule, qualifications or references.
  6. My proposal demonstrates the accurate and appropriate use of
    • Persuasive language
    • Verb forms
    • Punctuation
    • Prepositions
    • Transitional and subordinating adverbs
  1. Remember that the summary must stand alone. Think of it as a completely separate paper. Avoid excessive allusion to figures and tables in the body of the report and repeat citations of key references.
  2. The organization typically repeats that of the body of the thesis.
  3. Repeat figures, tables or equations from the body of the thesis if they provide particularly succinct condensations of the results. consider using simplified versions which focus on essential findings.
  4. The summary usually ends with a reiteration of the major conclusions and recommendations for future work.
  5. Spend the time necessary to prepare a good summary. Try not to exceed twenty pages of text.
  6. Keep in mind Pascal’s analogy to friend: “I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short.”

Before you deliver your job application letter, be sure you can make the following claims:

  1. I have read the job ad carefully and determined the specific goals and skills to highlight in my application letter.
  2. I have studied the company, so I know its background and needs.
  3. My letter follows a standard letter format and is correct in every detail of style, spelling and punctuation.
  4. I address my letter to a specific person and use the appropriate title.
  5. My opening paragraph identifies my source of information about the job, tells what job I am seeking and is tailored to the company.
  6. The middle paragraphs highlight my education and professional skills that fit the job. Each paragraph has a suitable topic sentence. The paragraphs build bridges between what I have learned and done, and what I can learn and do in the new context. I frame the contents of my letter according to PAR conventions.
  7. The closing paragraph motivates the reader to grant me an interview and makes it easy for the reader to contact me.
  8. The nouns and adjectives I use show awareness of the Goldilocks Strategy: Not too humble; not arrogant; just right.
  9. I use strong verbs to describe my experience, skills and activities.
  10. I have avoided “I poisoning” by starting at least two paragraphs with a word other than “I.”

Follow the steps below as you discuss the documents of your group members, one at a time:

  1. Before you read anything, decide whether the document’s appearance welcomes the non-specialist reader.
    • Is there a catchy or informative title?
    • Is the format reader-friendly? (paragraphs, topic sentences, sentence length, space)
    • Does the format reflect the conventions of the genre, whether an Op-Ed piece, a news release or an essay for Ashdown Newsletter?
  2. After reading the document, do you understand the concept?
    • Is the language accessible?
    • Is the use of jargon purposeful?
    • Can you answer the question “Why should I care about this topic?”?
  3. How did the author help you in your understanding of the concept and its importance?
    • Are the original sources for data or information provided where needed?
  4. What suggestions do you have for the author to make the document more reader-friendly?
    • Add examples, analogies, word pictures?
    • Create a better “hook” in the title or in the first paragraph?
    • Include diagrams or photos?
    • Reduce jargon or complex data?
    • Improve readability by modifying writing style and word choice?
  5. Have you noticed any problems with coherence, word choice, tone or punctuation?
    • Provide concrete examples.

The daily life of scholars, scientists and engineers in the US involves a great deal of challenging reading. We cannot take the time to read every word. We must scan, which means quickly find the most important contents—the “news.” Luckily, effective writers have developed a number of conventions that allow us to find our way through documents easily and retrieve the information we seek.

A clear understanding of the general organization and “logic” of professional documents is an essential tool for efficient reading. We expect a document to explain the research project’s purpose, relevance, and outcome in the first sections that we read. We also understand that many professional documents are deliberately repetitive. Some of the most important information is stated in several different places within one paper. For example, many documents provide key information (e.g., results of a research project) in three places: Between the title and the body of the paper, as an abstract or executive summary; in a more detailed subtitled section of the body that focuses on that information; and at the end of a paper, in a summary paragraph.

In fact, we should closely study a document’s appearance, including titles and subtitles. These signals attract our attention because they are generally highlighted by bold font and extra space in the document. Rather than reading from the start of a paper to the end, we can use the key terms provided in these organizational devices to lead us to the section or subsection of most interest. For example, the following subheadings clearly indicate the information we will find in these sections of a paper: “Research objectives” “Theoretical study” and “Preliminary results.”

Skilled readers also benefit from the conventions of English paragraph structure. All formal documents are composed of paragraphs. A change in paragraphs is signaled by indenting the first line, or by including an extra line between them. This use of space allows us to identify and move between paragraphs easily. Why is it important to be able to navigate between paragraphs? The first sentence or two provides its key message. The rest of the sentences in a paragraph provide details that support the general message. In the sections of a paper that hold less interest, we often read only the first two sentences of a paragraph—that is, we skim—before we move on to the next paragraph. To ensure that we notice important details embedded in a paragraph, writers can provide a list, table or figure, which is formatted to draw our attention.

In addition to these organizational, formatting and paragraphing conventions, we can identify signals at the sentence level to help us skim effectively. Standard phrases frequently appear at the start of topic and other sentences to indicate the kind of information that follows. For example, the phrase “In addition” at the start of this paragraph signals that more tools for professional reading will be presented. A writer can signal constraints, problems or disagreements with “however” or “on the other hand.” At the start of the next paragraph, the phrase “in sum” signals that this short reading has come to an end.

In sum, professional writers and readers in the US work within a set of rules that allow the reader to retrieve information from a document efficiently. One good test of reader-friendly writing is to see if you can construct a summary of the key content of a document using only the first two sentences of each paragraph. Does this document pass the test?

Task: Define scan and skim.

Before you hand in your best draft of your technical memo, be sure you can make the following claims:

  1. My format conforms to memo conventions and helps the reader navigate the text and predict the text that follows:
    • The memo is single spaced
    • The memo is composed of unified and coherent paragraphs
    • Section headings are used where appropriate
  2. My main message (conclusion) is in the first paragraph, within the first few sentences, of the memo. The reader can easily find the key contents.

State your memo’s main message here in sentence form:  

  1. No sections are redundant or unnecessary for the reader.
  2. I have eliminated any excessive or irrelevant details.
  3. Where appropriate, I have presented data in a table, graph or appendix.
  4. The style and tone of the memo is appropriate to the audience and to the context.
  5. If necessary, I have included an “Action Step” at the end of the memo to clarify to the reader what I expect from him / her or what step I will take next.
  1. Be sure the abstract indicates the results in addition to identifying the subjects treated. It is not merely a table of contents, but a brief summary of the work as well, including its purpose, methodology, results and conclusions.
  2. Keep the abstract short, approximately one typewritten page and fewer than 500 words. Writing in complete sentences, and use the same style, tenses and approach as in the summary sections of the thesis, itself.
  3. Do not hesitate to use a simple equation in the abstract if it can compress a great deal of information; if you do so, be sure to define all symbols and terms.
  4. Abstracts, in general, should not contain references, figures or extensive tables.
  5. A three-paragraph format is common because it is effective: statement of problem; method of attack; results.
  6. The abstract should be written for a wider audience than the body of the thesis. Therefore, you should avoid excessively technical jargon or items which can be understood only by reference to the thesis, itself. The abstract is not merely part of the thesis—it must be able to stand alone.
  7. Write the abstract as if it is the only part of your work most people will ever read; recognize and accept your role and responsibility as the person most qualified to prepare this key synopsis.

During a poster session, your goal is to motivate visitors to view your poster and engage with you about its contents. So both the appearance of the poster and your initial interactions with the visitors serve as the “hook.” What you say is important, but so is how you say it. As in a formal presentation, your eye contact, posture, stance and gestures can improve or detract from your explanation of your poster.

  1. You should start by answering the question “Why does this matter?” in a 30- to 60-minute statement. You can answer this question in many different ways, but all approaches (1) incorporate compelling nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and (2) stress key words. Some effective openers that I’ve heard and that you can adopt / adapt / combine are
    • We’re helping (the MIT Chocolate Co.) deal with (a major crisis) by . . .
    • X is a crippling problem in (the chocolate manufacturing industry), and our goal is to . . .
    • Our research addresses the terrible problem of X in (the chocolate industry).
    • We’re interested in knowing how … With this information, (the chocolate industry) will be able to . . .
    • Our key question to answer is ???? To find the answer, we’ll be performing . . .
    • Our immediate goal for this project is X, and our preliminary results suggest (our novel approach) … The long-term ramifications. . .
    • X is a massive problem for (the chocolate industry) and we’re doing X to solve it. What’s new and exciting about our approach is. . .
    • Usually companies do X, but we’re trying a new approach—Y!
    • In (the chocolate industry), Y is critical.
    • The most challenging problem (the chocolate industry) is facing . . .
    • The key problem our client is facing is X, and our solution to this problem could save $$$.
  2. You should face away from the poster and speak extemporaneously TO the viewers. (Please, please, please don’t read the text on the poster out loud!)
  3. You should stand close enough to the poster that you can point to, or even touch, the appropriate sections / images at the appropriate time.
  4. While word choice can be somewhat less formal than in a standard presentation, you should avoid inappropriately informal language, e.g. “you guys,” “gonna,” and “wanna.”
  5. You should keep a moderate pace, use strategic pauses instead of saying “um,” and avoid informal intonation patterns (“uptalk”).

Writer Strategy

  1. What is my objective? (You should be able to say “As a result of this document, my readers will . . . .”)
  2. What style is best for my context: Informal, formal, professional jargon?
  3. What is my credibility: Position in hierarchy, expertise, relation to audience?

Audience Strategy

  1. Who is my audience: Professor, supervisor, peers, employees?
  2. How can I analyze them: As individuals, as a group?
  3. What do they know: Necessary background information, new information, expectations for style and format?
  4. What do they feel: Interest level, bias, ease or difficulty?

Message Strategy

  1. Should I be direct or indirect?
  2. How can I organize a strategic message?
  3. What document format is most appropriate: E-mail, letter, brief, memo, short report, formal report?

Cultural Strategy

  1. How does culture affect my strategy: Objective, style, credibility? What adjustments do I need to make to be reader-friendly?

International Style Guidelines

In professional writing, the term “good style” refers to a way of writing that allows the audience to read with speed and clarity. The “pleasure of the text” is not a concern in this context. We can increase the ease with which all audiences (including international audiences) read our documents quickly and accurately by following these guidelines.

  • Use short sentences to minimize the chance of misunderstanding.
  • Use topic sentences at the start of paragraphs.
  • Avoid informal style, jargon and humor.
  • Avoid acronyms except for specialist audiences.
  • Use frequent transition phrases.
  • Use metaphors, similes and analogies carefully.
  • Use clear and complete headings and captions.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2016