8.03SC | Fall 2016 | Undergraduate

Physics III: Vibrations and Waves

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Exam Information

Exam one covers Lectures 1 through 8.

What You Should Know:

  • How to write down Equation of Motion
  • Undamped, under-damped, critically damped, over-damped
  • Driven oscillator, transient behavior and steady state solution, resonance
  • How to determine the unknown coefficients using initial conditions
  • Coupled systems: What are the normal modes? How to solve M-1K eigenvalue problems and what are the full solutions? Driven coupled oscillator, resonance
  • Symmetry & Infinite coupled system: What is the solution of reflection and translation symmetric system? How to determine the dispersion relation ω(k)?

Practice Exam

Exam 1 Formula Sheet (PDF)
Practice Exam 1 (PDF)

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Lecture Topics

  • Periodic motion
  • Simple harmonic oscillators
  • Hooke’s Law

Lecture Video: Periodic Oscillations, Harmonic Oscillators

In this lecture, Prof. Lee discusses the mathematical description of the periodic oscillation and simple harmonic oscillators. The first 5 minutes are devoted to course information.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 1 (PDF)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 1 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 1: Harmonic Oscillation (PDF - 1.4MB)

Problem Set

Problem Set 1 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Simple Harmonic Motion and Introduction to Problem Solving

In-class Demonstrations

Air Cart Between Springs
Mass on a Spring
Two Pendulums with Different Amplitudes

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Vibrating string
  • Wave equation
  • Traveling wave

Lecture Video: Traveling Waves

Prof. Lee introduces the traveling wave solution of the wave equation. He also shows the string “remembers” the shape of the traveling wave though energy stored in the form of kinematic energy.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 10 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 10 (PDF - 2.4MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (section 6.2 to end) 

Chapter 7: Longitudinal Oscillations and Sound (PDF - 1.3MB) 

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 8.2) 

In-class Demonstrations

Bell Labs Wave Machine (Mismatched Impedance), Bell Labs Wave Machine (Mismatched Impedance), and Bell Labs Wave Machine (Mismatched Impedance)

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Lecture Topics

  • Sound waves
  • Longitudinal wave
  • Wave equation
  • Speed of sound
  • Adiabatic process

Lecture Video: Sound Waves

Sound wave, a longitudinal wave, is discussed in this lecture. Prof. Lee calculates the speed of sound using two extreme cases: (1) constant temperature (2) adiabatic process. He also measures the speed of sound using an in-class demo.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 11 (PDF - 1.2MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 11 (PDF - 2.4MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (section 6.2 to end) 

Chapter 7: Longitudinal Oscillations and Sound (PDF - 1.3MB) 

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 8.2) 

Problem Set

Problem Set 6 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Electromagnetic Waves in a Vacuum

In-class Demonstrations

Standing Sound Waves in a Glass Tube
Helium Balloon

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Energy conservation
  • Damped harmonic oscillators
  • Small angle approximation

Lecture Video: Damped Free Oscillators

A more realistic physical system, a damped oscillator, is introduced in this lecture. Prof. Lee shows the mathematical solutions actually match the behavior of physical systems. He also does an in-class demo to compare damped and undamped oscillators.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 2 (PDF)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 2 (PDF - 2MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 2: Forced Oscillation and Resonance (PDF - 1.3MB)

In-class Demonstrations

Oscillating Steel Ball on a Track, and Oscillating Steel Ball on a Track
Physical Pendulum
Damped and Undamped Masses on a Spring
Driven Torsional Balance Oscillator

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Lecture Topics

  • Driven oscillators
  • Transient phenomena
  • Resonance
  • Steady state solution

Lecture Video: Driven Oscillators, Transient Phenomena, Resonance

Driven damped oscillators is the focus of this lecture. Prof. Lee shows the transient behavior, which looks completely chaotic at times, can be described by mathematics. He also discusses interesting phenomena such as resonance.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 3 (PDF - 1.2MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 3 (PDF - 2.1MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 2: Forced Oscillation and Resonance (PDF - 1.3MB) 

Problem Set

Problem Set 2 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Harmonic Oscillators with Damping

Driven Harmonic Oscillators

Coupled Oscillators without Damping

In-class Demonstrations

Driven Cart on Air Track
Ball on String Pendulum
Driven Mechanical Oscillator
Breaking Glass with Sound

Video: Pendulum Waves of Newton’s Cradle in motion set to music.

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Coupled oscillators
  • Normal modes
  • Multibody system
  • Transient behavior

Lecture Video: Coupled Oscillators, Normal Modes

Prof. Lee analyzes a highly symmetric system which contains multiple objects. By physics intuition, one could identify a special kind of motion – the normal modes. He shows that there is a general strategy for solving the normal modes.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 4 (PDF)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 4 (PDF - 2.7MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 3: Normal Modes (PDF - 1.4MB) 

In-class Demonstrations

Double Pendulum
Weighted Hacksaw Blade
Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring
Two Pendulums Coupled with a Rod
Wilberforce Pendulum and Wilberforce Pendulum

Video: Normal Modes from PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder

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Lecture Topics

  • Coupled oscillators
  • Beat phenomena
  • Normal axis

Lecture Video: Beat Phenomena

Prof. Wyslouch shows the solution of two coupled pendula. A very interesting result from the calculation is that beat phenomena could be identified in the motion of the pendula, similar to what one could feel with sound waves.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 5 (PDF - 1.1MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 5 (PDF - 1.7MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 3: Normal Modes (PDF - 1.4MB) 

Problem Set

Problem Set 3 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Coupled Oscillators without Damping

In-class Demonstrations

Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring and Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring
Wave Beats
Coupled Tunning Forks

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Coupled driven oscillator
  • Excitation
  • Resonance

Lecture Video: Driven Oscillators, Resonance

Driving force is introduced in the coupled system. Prof. Wyslouch solves the system and he demonstrates that one could “excite” one of the normal modes by driving the system at the frequency it likes: normal mode frequency.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 6 (PDF - 1.3MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 6 (PDF - 1.5MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 4: Symmetries (PDF - 1.3MB) 

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 5.2) 

In-class Demonstrations

Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring
Coupled Air Carts

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Lecture Topics

  • Symmetry
  • Infinitely long system
  • Sine waves

Lecture Video: Symmetry, Infinite Number of Coupled Oscillators

The mathematical description of “symmetry” is introduced. Prof. Lee shows that the concept of symmetry can be used to solve infinite numbers of coupled oscillators and that the sine waves we see in daily life are coming from translation symmetry.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 7 (PDF - 1.1MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 7 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 4: Symmetries (PDF - 1.3MB) 

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 5.2) 

Problem Set

Problem Set 4 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Standing Waves Part I

Standing Waves Part II

In-class Demonstrations

Bell Labs Wave Machine
Vibrating Spring (Hand Driven)

* Note: These Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Symmetry
  • Infinitely long system
  • Boundary conditions
  • Wave equations

Lecture Video: Translation Symmetry

Prof. Lee introduces the concept of “boundary conditions” which enables us to solve a finite system using the general solution of an infinitely long system. In the end of the lecture, a wave equation is derived in the continuous limit.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 8 (PDF - 1.2MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 8 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 5.3 to end) 

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (through section 6.1) 

In-class Demonstrations

Bell Labs Wave Machine

Video: Wave on a String from PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder

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Lecture Topics

  • Standing waves
  • Vibrating string
  • Wave equation
  • Fourier series
  • Fourier decomposition

Lecture Video: Wave Equation, Standing Waves, Fourier Series

The standing wave solution of the wave equation is the focus this lecture. Using a vibrating string as an example, Prof. Lee demonstrates that a shape can be decomposed into many normal modes which could be used to describe the motion of the string.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 9 (PDF - 1.1MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 9 (PDF - 1.7MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 5.3 to end)

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (through section 6.1)

Problem Set

Problem Set 5 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Traveling Waves without Damping

Standing Waves Part I

Standing Waves Part II

In-class Demonstrations

Bell Labs Wave Machine and Bell Labs Wave Machine
Rijke Tube

Video: Air Conditioner Noise by Prof. Yen-Jie Lee

Video: Intro to Fourier Series and How to Calculate Them by Dr. Chris Tisdell

Webpage: Fourier Series: Basics on OCW’s 18.03SC Differential Equations course

* Note: These Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2016
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
Instructor Insights