Bayesian Inference in Generative Models

Taught by: Luke Hewitt, MIT (November 13, 2018)

Video: Bayesian Inference in Generative Models (49:45)

Description: Bayesian inference is ubiquitous in models and tools across cognitive science and neuroscience. While the mathematical formulation of Bayesian models in terms of prior and likelihood is simple, exact Bayesian inference is intractable for most models of interest. In this tutorial, we will cover a range of approximate inference methods, including sampling-based methods (e.g. MCMC, particle filters) and variational inference, and describe how neural networks can be used to speed up these methods. We will also introduce probabilistic programming languages, which provide tools for black-box Bayesian inference in complex models. Hands-on exercises include implementing inference algorithms for simple models and/or implementing complex models in a probabilistic programming language.

Talk preparation and Q&A session: Maddie Cusimano and Luke Hewitt, MIT

Slides: Bayesian Inference in Generative Models (PDF)

Associated CBMM Pages: Maddie Cusimano

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2023
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Tutorial Videos