The field of chemical engineering offers unique opportunities to make a real difference by applying the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math to problems that involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products.
- Chemical manufacturing
- Petroleum, petrochemicals, and coal products manufacturing
- Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial synthetic fibers and filaments
- Pharmaceuticals/healthcare
- Food processing
- Specialty chemicals
- Polymers
- Biotechnology
- Environmental health and safety industries/hazardous materials
- Nanotechnology
- Paper
- Math (statistics, advanced algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry)
- Sciences (chemistry, biology, molecular biology, physics)
- Programming
- Fundamental engineering
- Thermodynamics
- Fluid dynamics
- Heat and mass transfer
- American Chemical Society (ACS): The society is recognized as a world leader in fostering scientific education and research and promoting public understanding of science.
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE): AIChE promotes excellence in chemical engineering education and global practice.
- Electrochemical Society (ECS): ECS is an international educational, non-profit organization concerned with a broad range of phenomena related to electrochemical and solid-state science and technology.
- National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE): NOBCChE is committed to the professional and educational growth of underrepresented minorities in the sciences.
- American Hydrogen Association (AHA): The AHA is a non-profit association of individuals and institutions, technical and non-technical, who are dedicated to the advancement of inexpensive, clean, and safe hydrogen energy systems.
- ICAC 2021: Applied Chemistry Conference
- ICCBEE 2021: Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Conference
- ICACCE 2021: Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference
- ICERAERACP 2021: Environmental Risk Assessment and Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemical Products Conference
Wikipedia, Try Engineering (IEEE), Chemical Engineering Conferences, Engineering Professional Associations & Organizations, Engineering Societies & Organizations, professional association websites