RES.LL-004 | Spring 2022 | Non-Credit

LL EduCATE: Introduction to Engineering Concepts


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Left, chess board. Second to top row has white Pawn, _, Pawn, _, Pawn, Pawn, _, Pawn. Second to bottom row has black Rook, _, Queen, Knight, _, Queen, _, Rook. Bottom row has black _, Bishop, _, _, Rook, King, _, _. Right, chess board. Top row is empty except for a black Rook in the space fourth from the left. Second to top row has black Rook, _, Queen, _, _, Queen, _, Rook. Second to bottom row is filled with white Pawns. Bottom row is white Bishop, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, King, Pawn, Knight, Bishop.
Left, chess board. Second to top row has white Pawn, _, Pawn, _, Pawn, Pawn, _, Pawn. Second to bottom row has black Rook, _, Queen, Knight, _, Queen, _, Rook. Bottom row has black _, Bishop, _, _, Rook, King, _, _. Right, chess board. Top row is empty except for a black Rook in the space fourth from the left. Second to top row has black Rook, _, Queen, _, _, Queen, _, Rook. Second to bottom row is filled with white Pawns. Bottom row is white Bishop, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, King, Pawn, Knight, Bishop.
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