Project 4

Plans for Practice

Classes 11-13

A project in which you develop a personal plan to foster the development of others in their learning on some of the issues raised in this course, and practice some of what you plain. 

This project is an opportunity for you to build on the first three projects and develop your own PBL projects for teaching, prepare grant proposals for further inquiry or activist engagement, or construct syllabi around topics in feminist and critical studies of science and technology. In class sessions, you will have 45–60 minutes to practice some part of a plan for practice with the class as your audience, pretend-students, subjects, jury (for a grant proposal) or critical friends.

Your written product, the plan for practice proper, should have two levels: 1. A plan for your own ongoing learning so as to be able to trouble the boundaries of knowledge production in the academy and sciences. More specifically, so as to be able to interpret sciences in contexts, drawing on and adding to the contributions of feminist, anti-racist, and other critical analysts and activists; 2. Building on the first, personal level, what is your plan for practice to develop your ability to foster the development of others in this same vein.

A photo of a laptop, a pair of glasses, and an open notebook with a pen resting on it.

(Image by Trent Erwin on Unsplash.)

Class 11, 12, or 13

Practice leading everyone in an activity, lesson etc. from your plan for practice. Prepare as instructed for other students’ activities, lessons, etc., participate during class, then provide feedback.

Class 11

Focal Readings

Campbell, Mary Baine. “Busy Bees: Utopia, Dystopia, and the Very Small” (PDF - 2.53MB)Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 36, no. 3 (2006): 619–642. 

Between Class 11 and 12

Wylie, Sara Ann, Kirk Jaibert, et al. “Institutions for Civic Technoscience: How Critical Making is Transforming Environmental Research.” The Information Society: An International Journal 30, no 2. (2014): 116–126. 

Prompt for Journal Entry (after the class when you practice)

Digest comments on presentation.

Prompt for Journal Entry (between other classes)

For your own area of knowledge production, what might be analogs for the three “goals and deliverables” from Wylie et al.

Class 13

Focal Reading

Löwy, I. “FISHing for Identity: Maternal-Foetal Traffic and the Change in the Meaning of Pregnancy.” 2009.  [Unpublished paper on microchimerism

Submit plan for practice, revised and developed in response to comments on practice in class.

Looking Ahead

Between classes 13 and 14

Comment on the written product of another student.

One week after 14

Resubmit your product, revised in response to comments from an instructor and a peer.