- Introduction
- Last week: How to route scalably in the face of policy and economy.
- This week: How to transport scalably in the face of diverse application demands.
- Goals: Provide reliable transport, prevent congestion.
- Broader questions: How do we do this scalably, and how do we share the network efficiently and fairly?
- Today: TCP Congestion Control
- In particular, a version of TCP known as “New Reno.”
- Next lecture: An alternative approach to “resource management” on the Internet.
- Reliable Transport via Sliding-Window Protocol
- Goal: Receiving application gets a complete, in-order bytestream from the sender. One copy of every packet, in order.
- Why do we need it? Network is unreliable. Packets get dropped, can arrive out-of-order.
- Basics:
- Every data packet gets a sequence number (1, 2, 3, …).
- Sender has W outstanding packets at any given time. W = window size.
- When receive gets a packet, it sends an ACK back. ACKs are cumulative: An ACK for X indicates “I have received all packets up to and including X.”
- If sender doesn’t receive an ACK indicating that packet X has been received, after some amount of time it will “timeout” and retransmit X.
- Maybe X was lost, its ACK was lost, or its ACK is delayed.
- The timeout = proportional to (but a bit larger than) the RTT of the path between sender and receiver.
- At receiver: Keep buffer to avoid delivering out-of-order packets, keep track of last-packet-delivered to avoid delivering duplicates.
- Main Motivation
What’s the “right” value for W?
In particular, what if there are multiple senders?
- Ex:
- What should happen? Debatable. Reasonable alternative:
- How do S1 and S2 figure this out? What happens if S3 arrives? Or if S1 starts sending less? Etc.
- Congestion Control: Controlling the Source Rate to Achieve High Performance
- Goals: Efficiency and fairness.
- Minimize drops, minimize delay, maximize utilization.
- Share bandwidth fairly among all connections that are using it.
- FOR NOW: Assume all senders have infinite offered load. Fairness = splitting bandwidth equally amongst them.
- But no senders knows how many other senders there are, and that number can change over time.
- We’ll use window-based congestion control. Switches are dumb (can only drop packets); senders are smart.
- Goals: Efficiency and fairness.
- Need a signal for congestion in the network, so senders can react to it.
- Our signal: Packet drops
- Every RTT:
- If there is no loss, W = W+1
- If there is loss, W = W/2
- This is “Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease” (AIMD)
- Senders constantly readjust => adapt to a changing number of senders, or changing offered loads
- Window size exhibits sawtooth behavior (see slides)
- Why AIMD?
- It’s “safe”: Senders are conservative about increasing, but scale back dramatically in the face of congestion
- Efficient and fair
- Finite Offered Load
- Remove the assumption that everyone has infinite offered load
- Suppose S1 and S2 have offered load of 1Mb/s, S3 has offered load of .5Mb/s, and they all share a bottleneck with capacity 2Mb/s
- What happens?
- In theory: S3 stops increase once it’s sending .5Mb/s. S1 and S2 continue increasing until they reach .75Mb/s
- Is this fair?
- In some sense. It achieves a type of fairness known as “max-min fairness”. But there are other definitions (e.g., “proportional fairness”)
- What happens in practice?
- We might get max-min fairness, or one of the senders might experience a much longer RTT and so not increase its window at the same rate.
- So: TCP’s congestion control utilizes the network reasonably well, but it’s hard to measure fairness, or claim that fairness is achieved under skewed workloads, varying RTTs, etc.
- Additional Mechanisms
Slow Start
- At the beginning of the connection, exponential increase the window (double it every RTT until you see loss).
- Decreases the time it takes for the initial window to “ramp up.”
- (See slide for diagram)
Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery
- When a sender receives an ACK with sequence number X, and then three duplicates of that packet, it immediately retransmits packet X+1 (remember: ACKs are cumulative).
Send 1 2 3 4 5 6 Receive 1 2 2 2 2
Sender receives 4 ACKs total with sequence number “2”; infers that packet 3 is lost, immediately retransmits.
- On fast-retransmit, window decrease is as before: W = W/2.
- In fact, when a packet is lost due to timeout, TCP behaves differently: W = 1, then do slow-start until the last good window and then start additive increase.
- (See slide for diagram)
- Reasoning: If there is a retransmission due to timeout, then there is significant loss in the network and senders should back *way* off.
- Reflection
- TCP has been a massive success, requires no changes to the Internet’s infrastructure, is something endpoints can opt-in to, allows the network to be shared among tons of different users, all with different—and changing—types of traffic, in a distributed manner.
- BUT: TCP doesn’t react to congestion until it’s already happening. Is there something better we could do?
Week 6: Networking Part II
Lecture 11 Outline
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