7.01SC | Fall 2011 | Undergraduate

Fundamentals of Biology


Biochemical Reactions, Enzymes, and ATP

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Session Overview


This session will introduce basic ideas of metabolism, Gibbs free energy, biochemical reactions, enzymes and ATP as the energy currency.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand that organisms, through their biochemistry, transform matter and energy.
  • To apply the general laws of thermodynamics to biological reactions.
  • To define Gibbs free energy, determine the Gibbs free energy change associated with a biochemical reaction, and identify spontaneous and non-spontaneous reactions.
  • To understand the role that enzymes play in biochemical reactions.
  • To understand how ATP provides the energy to power cellular work.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Question 1

If the ΔG of a reaction is negative, which of the following is a true statement?

Question 2

Choose an ending that makes the following statement true. “In an enzyme catalyzed reaction…”

Question 3

Which of the following statements is true with respect to ATP? ATP is commonly used in coupled reactions1. The hydrolysis of ATP is an endergonic reaction 2. The hydrolysis of ATP produces inorganic phosphate and ATP. 3. ATP is used as an energy source and a building block in RNA. 4. ATP can donate a phosphate group that becomes covalently linked to a protein.

Session Activities

Practice Problems

Further Study

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