7.01SC | Fall 2011 | Undergraduate

Fundamentals of Biology

Molecular Biology

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A diagram showing how the translation of the mRNA and the synthesis of proteins is made by ribosomes.

A diagram showing translation of a mRNA and synthesis of a protein by a ribosome. (Wikimedia Commons, by LadyofHats).

This unit will introduce some classic experiments in Molecular Biology, which led to the discovery of DNA as the hereditary material, the structure of DNA, and the semi-conservative model of DNA replication. We will cover DNA replication, and how the cell uses its DNA instructions to make an RNA message, and an RNA message to make a protein. Some variations to the standard mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription and translation will also be discussed. Finally, we will cover some of the general principles of gene regulation.

During this unit, you will become familiar with the experiments of Griffith, Avery, Hershey and Chase, Chargaff, Watson, Crick, and Franklin, and Meselson and Stahl. You will be able to draw a schematic of DNA, recognize the 5’ and 3’ ends of DNA, and predict the direction in which replication will proceed. You will be able to predict the mRNA produced and the resulting protein made from a given DNA sequence. In addition, you will analyze the effects of a DNA mutation on the RNA and protein produced from that DNA. You will compare the differences in DNA replication between singled-stranded circular, double-stranded circular and double-stranded linear chromosomes.

By the end of this unit, you will understand the semi-conservative model of DNA replication and be able to outline the processes and basic components of transcription and translation. You will know how replication of large DNA genomes, small DNA genomes, and RNA genomes differs, and explore how transcription and translation differ among prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses.

Finally, you will understand the different mechanisms working together to regulate the Lac operon, distinguish positive and negative regulatory mechanisms, predict the phenotype caused by different mutations within the components and regulatory features of the Lac operon, and understand the benefit to an organism of regulating genes.

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Session Overview


In this session some variations to the standard mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription and translation are discussed. The minor differences in DNA replication, transcription and translation in eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and viruses are discussed as a way to more fully understand the important processes involved in the copying and expression of genomes.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand how DNA replication is different for singled-stranded circular, double-stranded circular and double-stranded linear chromosomes.
  • To understand how replication of large DNA genomes, small DNA genomes, and RNA genomes differs.
  • To understand how transcription is different for prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with an emphasis on splicing in eukaryotes.
  • To understand how translation is different for prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with an emphasis on polycistronic messages in prokaryotes.
  • To understand how a virus can encode the needed proteins in a compact genome.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Question 1

Shown below is the genomic structure of the human β-globin gene. The numbers within the boxes indicate the length (in nucleotides) of each region. The DNA sequences corresponding to the start codon and the stop codon are indicated. Which regions are present in the initial transcript?

Both introns and exons are present in the initial transcript.

Question 2

What is the length (in nucleotides) of the mature, processed β-globin mRNA?

Question 3


Session Activities

Practice Problems

Further Study

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Session Overview


This session will explain how DNA is replicated prior to cell division. In this process, DNA polymerase uses an original strand as a template to create a new daughter strand of DNA. Polymerization occurs in the 5’ to 3’ direction, creating a new strand that is anti-parallel to the original. Polymerization begins at a specific DNA sequence called the Origin of Replication and proceeds in two directions along both template strands. Because of the directionality of synthesis, one strand is synthesized continuously, while the other strand is synthesized in small fragments, which are then joined together by DNA ligase.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the semi-conservative model of DNA replication.
  • To recognize the 5’ and 3’ ends of DNA and predict the direction in which replication will proceed.
  • To predict the sequence of a newly synthesized strand of DNA, based on the sequence of the original strand.
  • To identify the leading and lagging strands during replication.
  • To understand the function of helicase and DNA ligase and explain why they are necessary.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Below is a representation of an origin of replication and the two associated replication forks. Synthesis of new DNA occurs on both strands.


Question 1

At Fork 1, which template strand (1 or 2) is copied in a continuous manner?

Question 2

To which site or sites can the primer 5'-CAAGG-3' bind to initiate replication?

Session Activities

Help Session Video

Watch the short video of Sera Thornton explaining the numbering and labeling conventions of RNA and of proteins.

Practice Problems

Further Study

Suggested topics for further study in an introductory-level Biology textbook

  • DNA Replication

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Session Overview


This session will explain early experiments in Molecular Biology. Outlined are classic experiments by Avery, Griffith, Hershey, and Chase that demonstrated DNA was the hereditary material, background on Chargaff, Watson, Crick, and Franklin and how their discoveries contributed to the discovery of the structure of DNA, and details regarding how the semi-conservative model of DNA replication was shown by Meselson and Stahl.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the basic outline of the Griffith, Avery, and Hershey/Chase experiments, and how these showed that DNA was the hereditary material.
  • To understand the role Chargaff played in discovering the structure of DNA.
  • To understand the roles Watson, Crick, and Franklin played in discovering the structure of DNA.
  • To understand how the data obtained by Meselson and Stahl confirms the semi-conservative model of DNA replication.
  • To draw a schematic of DNA that highlights the double-stranded nature, the polarity of each strand with respect to the other, and the base pairing between the strands.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Question 1

Cells can be fractionated into different chemical components. Both Griffith and Avery found cellular fractions that could transform non-disease causing bacteria into disease causing bacteria. In each case, the transforming fraction contained predominantly which of the following molecules?

Although the fractions were not completely pure, the fractions that had transforming abilities were greatly enriched for nucleic acid, specifically DNA.

Question 2

What functional group is found on the 3’ end of a nucleotide?

Question 3

Which of the following is found in DNA but not in protein?

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Question 1

In density gradient centrifugation, which of the following DNA molecules will travel the farthest down the tube?

Session Activities

Practice Problems

Further Study

Suggested topics for further study in an introductory-level Biology textbook

  • Classic experiments by Avery, Griffith, and Hershey/Chase
  • Chargaff
  • Watson, Crick, and Franklin
  • Semi-conservative model of DNA replication

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Session Overview

For this exam, you will need to know the processes of DNA replication, transcription, and translation, and how they are affected by mutations. You will also need to know how viral genetic material is replicated, mechanisms of gene regulation, and the lac operon.

Check Yourself

Exam and Solutions

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Session Overview


Cells with the same DNA can look and function differently from each other; consider a photoreceptor cell and muscle cell. The difference between these two cells is the result of differential gene expression. Some genes are transcribed and translated in all cells at about the same level, but other genes may be expressed in one cell type but not another. This session will briefly outline some general principles of gene regulation. In addition, a specific example of gene regulation in bacteria will be presented in detail.

Learning Objectives

  • To recall and understand the different mechanisms working together to regulate the Lac operon.
  • To distinguish positive and negative regulatory mechanisms.
  • To predict the phenotype caused by different mutations within the Lac operon.
  • To justify the benefit to an organism of regulating genes.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

For this session, watch the first 30 minutes of the video lecture called “Gene Regulation” by Prof. Eric Lander recorded in 2004.

Check Yourself

Question 1

What is the function of the protein encoded by the LacZ gene?

Question 2

When should E. coli produce beta-galactosidase?

Session Activities

Help Session Video

Watch the short video of Sera Thornton explaining the lac operon.

Practice Problems

Further Study

Suggested topics for further study in an introductory-level Biology textbook

  • The Lac operon
  • Gene regulation

Study Guides

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Session Overview


This session will explain how the cell uses its DNA instructions to make a RNA message, and the RNA message to make a protein.

Learning Objectives

  • Outline the processes of transcription and translation.
  • List the basic components needed to successfully undergo transcription and translation.
  • Understand the purpose of the cell’s performing transcription and translation.
  • Predict RNA and protein sequences from a given gene.
  • Analyze the effects of a DNA mutation on the RNA and protein produced from that DNA.

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

// There was an extra comma at the end of multiList array. $( function($){ var quizMulti = { multiList: [ { ques: “In what direction is RNA polymerized?”, ans: “5’ to 3’”, ansSel: [“3’ to 5’”, “3 to 5”, “N to C”], ansInfo: "" }] }; var options = { allRandom: false, Random: false, help: “”, showHTML: false, animationType: 0, showWrongAns: true, title: “Concept test 1”, }; $("#quizArea").jQuizMe(quizMulti, options); });

Session Activities

Lecture Video

Watch the lecture video excerpt

Check Yourself

Question 1

True or False: More than one codon typically encodes each amino acid.

Question 2

Where does translation begin, as indicated on the mRNA transcript?

Question 3

If the following were a complete mRNA, which codon would be recognized as the stop codon?

Session Activities

Help Session Video

Watch the short video of Sera Thornton explaining a transcription and translation question that refers to Question 2 in the practice problems below.

Practice Problems

Further Study

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Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets
Tutorial Videos
Lecture Notes