3.091SC | Fall 2010 | Undergraduate

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry

Bonding and Molecules

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Session Overview

Modules Bonding and Molecules
Concepts linear combination of atomic orbitals–molecular orbitals (LCAO-MO): energy level diagrams, bonding and anti-bonding orbitals, and hybridization, paramagnetism and diamagnetism
Keywords Wolfgang Pauli, primary bond, ionic bond, covalent bond, metallic bond, electronegativity, metal, non-metal, superposition, alkali metal, node, lobe, nodal plane, electron density, alloy, electronic conductivity, ionic conductivity, molten salt, liquid metal, energy level diagram, atomic orbital, molecular orbital, bonding orbital, antibonding orbital,  paramagnetism, sigma bond, pi bond, hybridization, single bond, double bond, triple bond, diamagnetism, octet stability, polar bond, polar molecule, nonpolar molecule, homonuclear molecule, heteronuclear molecule, Schrödinger’s equation, linear superposition, atomic orbital wavefunction, conservation of orbital states, Aufbau principle, quantum numbers, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule, bonding electron, nonbonding electron, unpaired electrons, Lewis structure, electron transfer
Chemical Substances ethylene (C2H4), methane (CH4), carbon (C), acetylene (C2H2), titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), bromine pentafluoride (BrF5), iodine tetrafluoride (IF4-), helium (He), dilithium (Li2), disodium (Na2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), fluorine (F2)
Applications sodium vapor lamps


Before starting this session, you should be familiar with:

Looking Ahead

Prof. Sadoway discusses the shapes of molecules (Session 11).

Learning Objectives

After completing this session, you should be able to:

  • Define polar bond, polar molecule, dipole moment.
  • Identify three types of primary bonds: ionic, covalent, metallic.
  • Explain why homonuclear molecules and molecules containing symmetric arrangements of identical polar bonds must be nonpolar.
  • Sketch energy level diagrams for molecules using LCAO-MO, and identify the bonding orbitals and antibonding orbitals.
  • Explain how paramagnetism occurs**.**
  • Describe the components of sigma bonds and pi bonds.
  • Explain the source of electronic conductivity and ionic conductivity.


Archived Lecture Notes #2 (PDF), Section 3

Book Chapters Topics
[Saylor] 9.2, “Localized Bonding and Hybrid Atomic Orbitals.” Valence bond theory: a localized bonding approach; hybridization of s and p orbitals; hybridization using d orbitals
[Saylor] 9.3, “Delocalized Bonding and Molecular Orbitals.” Molecular orbital theory: a delocalized bonding approach; bond order in molecular orbital theory; molecular orbitals formed from ns and np atomic orbitals; molecular orbital diagrams for second-period homonuclear diatomic molecules; molecular orbitals in heteronuclear diatomic molecules
[Saylor] 9.4, “Combining the Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Approaches.” Multiple bonds; molecular orbitals and resonance structures

Lecture Video


Lecture Slides (PDF - 2.1MB)

Lecture Summary

Prof. Sadoway discusses the following concepts:

  • Linear combination of atomic orbitalsmolecular orbitals (LCAO-MO)
    • Orbitals split into bonding orbitals (lower) and antibonding orbitals (higher). Electrons fill from lowest energy up.
  • Types of bonds:
    • sigma = no nodal plane separates nuclei
    • pi = a nodal plane separates nuclei
  • Paramagnetism: from unpaired electrons in molecular orbitals
    • e.g. liquid oxygen is paramagnetic – can be held by a magnetic field


Problems (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

Textbook Problems

[Saylor] Sections Conceptual Numerical
[Saylor] 9.2, “Localized Bonding and Hybrid Atomic Orbitals.” none 1, 2, 7, 8
[Saylor] 9.3, “Delocalized Bonding and Molecular Orbitals.” none 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 18

For Further Study


Wolfgang Pauli - 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics

Other OCW and OER Content

Content Provider Level Notes
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year)

Lecture 14: Molecular Orbital Theory

Lecture 15: Valence Bond Theory and Hybridization

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Session Overview

Modules Bonding and Molecules
Concepts shapes of molecules: valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR), sigma and pi bonds, and octet stability
Keywords bonding electron, nonbonding electron, hybridized orbital, linear combination of atomic orbitals–molecular orbitals (LCAO-MO), valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR), octahedral, square pyramidal, square planar, trigonal bipyramid, polar bond, non-polar bond, planar, see-saw conformation, dipole, refractive index, electrical conductivity, covalent bond, ionic bond, expanded octet, electron domain, lone pair, molecular skeleton, Lewis structure, bonding orbital, sigma bond, pi bond, triple bond, octet rule
Chemical Substances ethylene (C2H4), methane (CH4), carbon (C), acetylene (C2H2), titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), bromine pentafluoride (BrF5), iodine tetrafluoride (IF4-)
Applications None


Before starting this session, you should be familiar with:

Looking Ahead

Prof. Sadoway completes the Bonding and Molecules module with a session on secondary bonding, permanent and induced dipoles, hydrogen bonding, and polarizability of molecules (Session 12).

Learning Objectives

After completing this session, you should be able to:

  • Determine the shapes of molecules using hybridized orbitals, linear combination of atomic orbitals–molecular orbitals (LCAO-MO), and valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory.
  • Write Lewis structures showing the electron distribution and molecular skeleton of compounds.
  • Classify each electron as a bonding electron (B) or nonbonding electron (NB).
  • Contrast the properties of covalent bonds and ionic bonds.


Book Chapters Topics
[Saylor] 9.1, “Predicting the Geometry of Molecules and Polyatomic Ions.“ The VSEPR model; using the VSEPR model; molecular dipole moments

Lecture Video


Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.2MB)

Lecture Summary

Prof. Sadoway discusses the following:

  • Hybridized bonding in molecules
  • Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR)

He re-emphasizes the underlying point of this unit: equal bond energies imply equal spatial disposition, and electronic structure dictates bond disposition, which further dictates molecular architecture.


Problems (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

Textbook Problems

[Saylor] Sections Conceptual Numerical
[Saylor] 9.1, “Predicting the Geometry of Molecules and Polyatomic Ions.“ 1, 3, 7, 14 none
[Saylor] 9.4, “Polyatomic Systems with Multiple Bonds.“ 1 none

For Further Study

Other OCW and OER Content

Content Provider Level Notes
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year) Lecture 15: Valence Bond Theory and Hybridization  
Lecture 16: Thermochemistry

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Session Overview

Modules Bonding and Molecules
Concepts secondary bonding, permanent and induced dipoles (London dispersion/van der Waals), hydrogen bonding, polarizability of molecules
Keywords permanent dipole, induced dipole, hydrogen bond, polarity, London dispersion, electronegativity, melting point, boiling point, intermolecular bond, solid, liquid, gas, van der Waals force, secondary bond, dipole moment, polarizability, state of aggregation, Fritz London, Johann van der Waals
Chemical Substances hydrochloric acid (HCl), argon (Ar), iodine (I2), methane (CH4), helium (He), propane (C3H8), octane (C8H18), eicosane (C20H42), hydrofluoric acid (HF), ammonia (NH3), water (H2O)
Applications liquid water supports life; methane sea on Titan; states of hydrocarbons at STP


Before starting this session, you should be familiar with prior topics in Bonding & Molecules (Session 8 onwards), especially:

  • Periodic trends in electronegativity, atomic radius, and valence energy
  • The probability distribution of the electron in an atomic orbital
  • Ionic and covalent bonds, and how they determine molecular formulas, shapes, and polarity

Looking Ahead

Water has unusual properties due to its hydrogen bonds, which will be explored further in the modules covering Aqueous Solutions (Session 25, Session 26) and Biochemistry (Session 30 onwards). Experimental data about the state of a material at varying temperature and pressure is summarized in its phase diagram, the topic of Session 33 through Session 35.

Learning Objectives

After completing this session, you should be able to:

  • Explain which atoms or molecules experience dipole-dipole interactions, induced dipole-induced dipole interactions, and/or hydrogen bonding.
  • Compare the relative strengths of ionic, covalent, and the various intermolecular bonds, and use this information to correlate the bulk properties of a material at various temperatures with the presence or absence of secondary bonds.
  • Predict the melting and boiling points of materials based on secondary bonds and polarizability.


Archived Lecture Notes #2 (PDF), Section 4

Book Chapters Topics
[Saylor] 11.2, “Intermolecular Forces.” Dipole-dipole interactions; London dispersion forces; hydrogen bonds
[JS] 2.5, “The Secondary, or van der Waals, Bond.” Van der Waals bonding; permanent and induced dipoles; hydrogen bridge

Lecture Video


Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.0MB)

Lecture Summary

Substances in the aggregate may be solid, liquid, or gas at a given temperature and pressure. To predict the state of a substance, both intramolecular (primary bonds: ionic, covalent) and intermolecular forces must be taken into account. Prof. Sadoway discusses the following secondary bond types:

  • dipole-dipole (e.g. HCl)
  • induced dipole-induced dipole (e.g. Ar, I2, CH4, He), also known as London dispersion forces or van der Waals bonds
  • hydrogen bonding (e.g. HF, H2O, NH3)


Problems (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

Textbook Problems

[Saylor] Sections Conceptual Numerical
[Saylor] 11.2, “Intermolecular Forces.” 9, 11, 14, 20, 24 none

For Further Study

Supplemental Readings

Gavroglu, Kostas. Fritz London: A Scientific Biography. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780521023191.

Israelachvili, Jacob. Intermolecular and Surface Forces. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1992. ISBN: 9780123751812.


Fritz London

Johannes Diderik van der Waals1910 Nobel Prize in Physics

Other OCW and OER Content

Content Provider Level Notes
Properties of Water HyperPhysics: Chemistry High school  
Intermolecular Forces - Grade 11 Connexions High school  
5.112 Principles of Chemical Science MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year)

Start - 25:15 in Lecture 16: Intermolecular Interactions

End - 38:15 in Lecture 17: Polarizability

7.012 Introduction to Biology MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year) Lecture 2: Biochemistry 1

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Session Overview

Modules Bonding and Molecules
Concepts ionic bonding: octet stability by electron sharing, energy of ion pairs vs. ion lattice, and properties of ionic crystals, enthalpy of reaction: Hess’s law, Born-Haber cycle
Keywords Born exponent, cation, anion, covalent bond, ionic bond, valence shell electron pair repulsion model (VSEPR), interionic separation, crystal array, omnidirectional bond, unsaturated bond, Avogadro’s number, electrostatic energy, ionic solid, Madelung constant, melting point, boiling point, electrical insulator, hardness, brittle, soluble, polar solvent, noble gas, ionic liquid, photon, transparency, binding energy, hybridized bond, elasticity, enthalpy, ionization energy, sublimation, electron affinity, lattice energy, bonding electron, nonbonding electron, molecular architecture
Chemical Substances sodium chloride (NaCl), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), potassium (K), silver iodide (AgI), neon (Ne), magnesium oxide (MgO), aluminum (Al), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), cryolite (Na3AlF6)
Applications design of thermal abrasion resistance materials, design of inert anode materials


Before starting this session, you should be familiar with:

  • Octet stability and what it means in terms of shell filling; ionic bonding and its formation as a result of Coulombic attraction between a cation and an anion (Session 7)

Looking Ahead

Prof. Sadoway discusses the shortcomings of ionic bonding and Lewis’s concept of shell filling by electron sharing including the Lewis dot notation (Session 9); and returns to the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model in Session 11: The Shapes of Molecules.

Learning Objectives

After completing this session, you should be able to:

  • Describe quantitatively the energetic factors and characteristics involved in the formation of an ionic bond.
  • Understand the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model.
  • Sketch the potential energy as a function of inter-ionic separation.
  • List the properties of ionic crystals, and relate them to the lattice energy.
  • Explain what features of a crystal are reflected in its Madelung constant.
  • Understand that the energy change in chemical reactions is path independent.
  • Define electron affinity.


Archived Lecture Notes #1 (PDF), Sections 6, 7

Archived Lecture Notes #2 (PDF), Sections 1, 2

Book Chapters Topics
[Saylor] 7.3, “Energetics of Ion Formation.” Ionization energies; electron affinities; electronegativity
[Saylor] 8.1, “An Overview of Chemical Bonding.” Review of chemical bonding; comparison of covalent and ionic bonds
[Saylor] 8.2, “Ionic Bonding.” Electrostatic attraction and repulsion; potential energy at the bond distance
[Saylor] 8.3, “Lattice Energies in Ionic Solids.” Calculating lattice energies; the relationship between lattice energies and physical properties; the Born-Haber cycle; predicting the stability of ionic compounds
[Saylor] 12.5, “Correlation between Bonding and the Properties of Solids.” Ionic solids; molecular solids; covalent solids; metallic solids

Lecture Video


Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.2MB)

Lecture Summary

In this lecture, Prof. Sadoway discusses the following topics:

  • Energetics of pair attractions
    • Energy gained upon converting a gas of ion pairs to a crystal array
    • Attraction energy
    • Madelung’s constant
  • Transparent materials
  • Hess’s Law – energy change in a chemical reaction is path independent
  • Hybridized bonding in molecules

This lecture also introduces the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model, properties of covalent (saturated, directional) and ionic bonds, rules for determining molecular shapes, and the classification of each electron as a bonding electron (B) or a nonbonding electron (NB). Equal bond energies imply equal spatial disposition, and the electronic structure dictates bond disposition, which dictates molecular architecture.


Problems (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

Textbook Problems

[Saylor] Sections Conceptual Numerical
[Saylor] 8.3, “Lattice Energies in Ionic Solids.” 7, 9 4, 5, 6
[Saylor] 8.4, “Lewis Electron Dot Structures.” 2 none
[Saylor] 8.5, “Lewis Structures and Covalent Bonding.” 3 7, 9, 13, 18
[Saylor] 8.6, “Exceptions to the Octet Rule.” 2 4
[Saylor] 9.1, “Predicting the Geometry of Molecules and Polyatomic Ions.” none 1, 5

For Further Study

Supplemental Readings

Born, Max. My Life: Recollections of a Nobel Laureate. New York, NY: Scribner, 1978. ISBN: 9780684156620.

Born, Max. Physics in My Generation. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1969.

Born, Max. Atomic Physics. New York, NY: Hafner Publications, 1970. ISBN: 9780486659848.

Stoltzenberg, Dietrich. Fritz Haber: Chemist, Nobel Laureate, German, Jew. Philadelphia, PA: Chemical Heritage Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780941901246.

Charles, Daniel. Master Mind: The Rise and Fall of Fritz Haber, the Nobel Laureate who Launched the Age of Chemical Warfare. New York, NY: Ecco, 2005. ISBN: 9780060562724.


Fritz Haber - 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Charles Hall

Paul Heroult

Germain Hess

Erwin Madelung

Max Born - 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics

Other OCW and OER Content

Content Provider Level Notes
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year)

Lecture 10: Covalent Bonds

Lecture 11: Lewis Structures

Lecture 12: Ionic Bonds

Chemical Bonds HyperPhysics: Chemistry High school  

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Session Overview

Modules Bonding and Molecules
Concepts Lewis structures: octet stability, partial charge, bonding and nonbonding electrons, electronegativity: polar bonds and polar molecules, ionic character of covalent bonds, Coulomb’s law
Keywords cation, anion, Madelung constant, enthalpy, valence electron, Gilbert Lewis, ionization, isoelectronic, metal, nonmetal, ionic bond, electron transfer, electron sharing, covalent bond, percent ionic character, homonuclear bond, heteronuclear bond, triple bond, dative bond, s and p orbitals, Lewis structures, Linus Pauling, hybrid orbital, crystallization energy, bond energy, charge displacement, dipole moment, polar covalency, electronegativity, polar bond, polar molecule
Chemical Substances sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), hydrogen (H), helium (He), sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2), methane (CH4), magnesium chloride (MgCl2), hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), sodium chloride (NaCl), Freon-12
Applications capacitors, refrigerant, compressor design


Before starting this session, you should be familiar with:

  • Hybridized bonding in molecules, VSEPR, properties of covalent bond, electron domain theory (Session 8)

Looking Ahead

Prof. Sadoway discusses hybridized and molecular orbitals along with paramagnetism (Session 10).

Learning Objectives

After completing this session, you should be able to:

  • Sketch the Lewis structure for a given compound.
  • Explain how octet stability is satisfied by electron sharing and electron transfer.
  • Understand how electron states can be mixed to form hybrid orbitals.
  • Define electronegativity and dipole moment.
  • Calculate the percent ionic character of a heteronuclear bond.
  • Explain how polar bonds may be present in polar and nonpolar molecules.


Archived Lecture Notes #2 (PDF), Section 3

Book Chapters Topics
[Saylor] 7.3, “Energetics of Ion Formation.” Ionization energies; electron affinities; electronegativity
[Saylor] 8.4, “Introduction to Lewis Dot Structures.” Creating a Lewis dot symbol; the octet rule
[Saylor] 8.5, “Lewis Structures and Covalent Bonding.” Using electron structures to describe covalent bonding; using Lewis electron structures to explain stoichiometry; using formal charges to distinguish between Lewis structures; resonance structures
[Saylor] 8.6, “Exceptions to the Octet Rule.” Odd number of electrons; more than an octet of electrons; fewer than an octet of electrons
[Saylor] 8.8, “Properties of Covalent Bonds.” Bond order; the relationship between bond order and bond energy; the relationship between molecular structure and bond energy
[Saylor] 8.9, “Polar Covalent Bonds.” Bond polarity; dipole moments

Lecture Video


Lecture Slides (PDF - 2.9MB)

Lecture Summary

Prof. Sadoway discusses the following concepts:

  • Problems with ionic bonding for diatomic molecules
  • G. N. Lewis – shell filling by electron sharing
    • Lewis dot notation
    • Cooperative use of valence electrons to achieve octet stability = covalent bonds
  • Ionic bond = electron transfer
  • Covalent bond = electron sharing (directional)
  • Carbon
    • s-orbitals “merge” with p-orbitals – sp3 hybridized
    • Results in 4 unpaired electrons, ready to bond
  • Energy of heteronuclear bonds
  • Percent ionic character
  • Polar bonding


Problems (PDF)

Solutions (PDF)

Textbook Problems

[Saylor] Sections Conceptual Numerical
[Saylor] 7.3, “Energetics of Ion Formation.” 1, 10 none
[Saylor] 8.2, “Ionic Bonding.” none 3
[Saylor] 8.6, “Exceptions to the Octet Rule.” none 1, 7
[Saylor] 8.9, “Polar Covalent Bonds.” none 2, 6, 7, 8
[Saylor] 9.1, “Predicting the Geometry of Molecules and Polyatomic Ions.” none 7

For Further Study

Supplemental Readings

Molina, Mario J. and Rowland, F. S. “Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atomc-atalysed destruction of ozone.Nature 249 (June 28, 1974): 810-812.


Gilbert Lewis

Linus Pauling - 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1962 Nobel Prize in Peace

Arnold Sommerfeld

Fritz Haber - 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Erwin Madelung

Thomas Midgley

Other OCW and OER Content

Content Provider Level Notes
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science MIT OpenCourseWare Undergraduate (first-year)

Lecture 12: Ionic Bonds

Lecture 13: Polar Covalent Bonds and VSEPR Theory

Lecture 14: Molecular Orbit Theory

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This self-assessment page completes the Bonding and Molecules module, and covers material from the following sessions.

On this page are a simple weekly quiz and solutions; relevant exam problems and solutions from the 2009 class; help session videos that review selected solutions to the exam problems; and supplemental exam problems and solutions for further study.

Weekly Quiz and Solutions

This short quiz is given approximately once for every three lecture sessions. You should work through the quiz problems in preparation for the exam problems.

Exam Problems and Solutions

These exam problems are intended for you to demonstrate your personal mastery of the material, and should be done alone, closed-book, with just a calculator, the two permitted reference tables (periodic table, physical constants), and one 8 1/2" x 11" aid sheet of your own creation.

After you’ve taken the exam, watch the help session videos below for insights into how to approach some of the exam problems.

Exam Help Session Videos

In these videos, 3.091 teaching assistants review some of the exam problems, demonstrating their approach to solutions, and noting some common mistakes made by students.

Clip 1: Exam 1, Problem 3

Clip 2: Exam 1, Problem 5

Clip 3: Exam 2, Problem 4

Clip 4: Exam 2, Problem 5 - Part One

Clip 5: Exam 2, Problem 5 - Part Two

Supplemental Exam Problems and Solutions

These additional exam problems from prior years’ classes are offered for further study.

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Course Introduction
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets with Solutions
Recitation Videos
Problem Sets
Exam Materials