8.01SC | Fall 2016 | Undergraduate

Classical Mechanics

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The center of two spherical planets of masses \(\displaystyle m_1 \) and \(\displaystyle m_2 \) are separated by a distance \(\displaystyle d \). Consider the origin of the coordinate system to be at the center of planet 1. At what location \(\displaystyle x \) measured from the center of planet 1 will a third planet of mass \(\displaystyle m \) experience zero gravitational force? Assume \(\displaystyle m_1 \ne m_2 \).

Express your answer in terms of the gravitational constant \(\displaystyle G \), \(\displaystyle m_1 \), \(\displaystyle m_2 \) and \(\displaystyle d \) as needed.

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Problem Set 2 contains the following problems:

  1. Stacked Blocks
  2. Accelerating Truck and Suspended Bucket
  3. A Wedge Against a Wall
  4. Dragging Two Blocks
  5. Blocks and Springs

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A block of mass \(\displaystyle m\) is sliding down an inclined plane of angle \(\displaystyle \theta\) with respect to the horizontal (left figure). At the bottom of the incline there is a spring. After compressing the spring the block stops momentarily and then it starts to slide up the incline as shown in the right figure. There is kinetic friction between the block and the inclined surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction is \(\displaystyle \mu _ k\) . The graviational force on the block is directed in the downward vertical direction. Consider the x-axis parallel to the incline surface and positive pointing down. Express your answers in terms of \(\displaystyle g\) , theta for \(\displaystyle \theta\) , and mu_k for \(\displaystyle \mu _ k\) as needed.

(Part a) What is the x-component of the block’s acceleration vector when it is sliding down?

(Part b) What is the x-component of the block’s acceleration vector when it is sliding up?

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Consider two blocks that are resting one on top of the other. The lower block has mass \(\displaystyle m_1\) and is resting on a surface. The upper block has mass \(\displaystyle m_2<m_1\) . Suppose the coefficient of static friction between the blocks is \(\displaystyle \mu _ s\) . A horizontal force of magnitude \(\displaystyle F\) is applied to block 1 as shhown.

The goal of this problem is to calculate the maximum value of \(\displaystyle F\) with which the lower block can be pushed horizontally so that the two blocks move together without slipping?

(Part a) Draw in separate figures the free force body diagrams for blocks 1 and 2. Identify the Newton’s 3rd Law pairs in the force diagrams.

(Part b) Consider the coordinates system with the +x-axis horizontal and to the right and the +y axis vertically upwards. Write down the x and y components of Newton’s 2nd Law for each block.

Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Free Body Diagrams and Applying Newton’s 2nd Law

(Part c) How is the acceleration of each of the two blocks related when the blocks do not slip relative to each other?

(Part d) What is the maximum pushing force? Write your answer using some or all of the following: g, \(\displaystyle M_1\), \(\displaystyle M_2\),\(\displaystyle \mu _ k\) and \(\displaystyle \mu _ s\).

Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Solve for the Maximum Force

(Part e) Why can’t we choose blocks 1 and 2 together to be our system?

Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Choosing the System of 2 Blocks Together

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A window washer of mass \(\displaystyle m\) is sitting on a horizontal platform of negligible mass. The platform is held up by the two pulleys and the two ropes (A and B) shown in the figure. The person is able to pull Rope B downwards in such a way that the platform accelerates upwards with an acceleration of magnitude \(\displaystyle a\). Assume the ropes and pulleys to be massless. The goal of the problem is to calculate the force exerted by the window washer on rope B in terms of \(\displaystyle a\), \(\displaystyle m\) and \(\displaystyle g\) as needed.

(Part a) Let \(\displaystyle F_{wB}\) be the magnitude of the force exerted by the window washer on rope B, and \(\displaystyle F_{Bw}\) be the magnitude of the force exerted by rope B on the window washer. Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply.)

  • The total force acting on the window washer is pointing upwards.
  • The window washer pulls rope B down and rope B pulls the window washer up.
  • \(\displaystyle F_{wB} = F_{Bw}\) because they are the magnitude of a Newton 3rd law pair.
  • \(\displaystyle F_{Bw} = ma\)
  • The force of tension at any point in rope B has the same magnitude.

(Part b) Consider the system to be the window washer. Draw the force free body diagram of the window washer, count the forces acting on the person. Is there enough information to solve for each of the forces?

(Part c) In order to calculate \(\displaystyle F_{wB}\), the magnitude of the force exerted by the window washer on rope B, which of the following set of objects should be considered as the system to study?

  • Pulley 1.
  • Pulley 2.
  • Pulley 1 and pulley 2.
  • The window washer and the platform
  • The window washer, the platform, rope A and pulley 1.

Window Washer Free Body Diagrams

Now that we know the system, we can solve for \(\displaystyle F_{wB}\).

(Part d) What is the magnitude of the force exerted by the person on rope B, \(\displaystyle F_{wB}\)? Express your answer in terms of \(\displaystyle a\), \(\displaystyle m\) and \(\displaystyle g\) as needed.

(Part e) What is the magnitude of the force exerted by rope A on the platform, \(\displaystyle F_{Ap}\)? Express your answer in terms of \(\displaystyle a\), \(\displaystyle m\) and \(\displaystyle g\) as needed.

Window Washer Solution

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