8.01SC | Fall 2016 | Undergraduate

Classical Mechanics

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A spacecraft of mass \(m1\) with speed \(v_{1i} = 3v_s\), approaches Saturn which is moving in the opposite direction with speed \(v_s\). After interacting gravitationally with Saturn, the spacecraft swings around Saturn and heads off in the opposite direction from its approach direction. The mass of Saturn is \(m_s\), is much much larger than the mass of the spacecraft. Find the final speed, \(v_{1f}\), of the spacecraft after it is far enough away from Saturn to be nearly free of the gravitational pull of Saturn.

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Problem Set 9 contains the following problems:

  1. Ping-Pong Ball and Bowling Ball Collision
  2. Satellite Fly-By
  3. Block Sliding up Curved Surface
  4. Spring Blocks Motion
  5. Bullet-Spring Collision
  6. Elastic 2D Collision

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