8.01SC | Fall 2016 | Undergraduate

Classical Mechanics

Week 3: Circular Motion

10.1 Circular Motion – Acceleration

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Acceleration in Circular Motion: a=rd2θdt2θ^+r(dθdt)2(r^)

For circular motion, show that dθ^dt=dθdtr^

We know that θ^ changes direction as we go around a circle, and so if a particle is undergoing circular motion, we expect dθ^dt to be non-zero. To figure out exactly what it is, let us write θ^ in terms of i^ and j^ for an arbitrary θ.


Since i^ and j^ are constant anywhere in space, they are not time-dependent, so now the derivative becomes much more clear. Using the chain rule, we have:


We know that (cos(θ)i^+sin(θ)j^)=r^, so we can now simply write this derivative as:


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