Lesson Numero Undici/Lesson Number 11
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Making a Reservation
La scorsa settimana/last week, (you can also say la settimana passata), while our cantucci were baking and bis-baking ;-), we learned how to make a reservation at a restaurant.
Practice reading ad alta voce! Can you understand everything? The vocabulary below may help.
Ristorante: Pronto! Ristorante Da Nonna Pia. Buonasera!
Tu: Buonasera! Vorrei prenotare un tavolo per domani sera.
R: Benissimo, a/per che ora?
T: Alle otto e mezza. Vorremmo sederci fuori.
R: Quanti siete?
T: Quindici.
R: Non c’è posto per quindici fuori, mi dispiace. Può andare bene dentro, vicino alla finestra?
T: Va bene. C’è una bella vista?
R: Sì.
T: Allora va bene.
R: A che nome?
T: Veneziani.
R: Bene, grazie. A domani!
T: Arrivederci
The day after, when you arrive, puoi (you can) say:
Ho una prenotazione per quindici a nome Veneziani.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Pronto = ready This is what we usually say when we pick up the phone/il telefono.
Vorrei = (I) would like to … (present conditional, 1st pers. sing. of the irregular verb volere)
Prenotare = to reserve
Tavolo = table
A/per che ora = at/for what time
Otto e mezza = _eight and a half _ You can also say alle venti e trenta (20:30), but since you already asked for a table for the evening, otto e mezza will be clear enough.
Vorremmo = (we) would like to (present conditional, 1st pers. plur. of the irr. verb volere)
Sederci = sedere+ ci (us) = sit ourselves, meaning sit
Fuori = outside
Dentro = inside
Posto = place, locality. In this context, it means seat.
Mi dispiace = dispiace a me = It displeases me →I am sorry.
Può = can (3rd pers. sing. indicative pres. of the irr verb potere)
Vicino alla finestra = close to the window (alla=a+la)
Vista = view, it also means eyesight
Allora = then
A domani = to tomorrow→ see you tomorrow
- Solve the exercises listed above.
- Write a couple of lines (in English, if you want ;)) about what you liked and what you hated about the seminar, e.g. class structure, contents, style which homework was useful, what was useless, if you could have removed a dish from our menu, what would it be? Any feedback is appreciated! Grazie!