2.003 | Spring 2005 | Undergraduate

Modeling Dynamics and Control I

Study Materials

Below are some study materials for this course. They are divided into two categories:

  1. Supplementary Documents
  2. Useful Materials

Supplementary Documents

Supplementary documents handed out in 2.003 so far:

Complex Numbers (PDF)

Subtleties of the Laplace Transform (PDF)

Transfer Function Notes (PDF)

Laplace Transform Pairs and Properties (PDF)

Op-Amp Notes (PDF)

Bode Examples (PDF), complicatedbode.m (M)

Cell Phone Hinge Design (PDF)

Useful Materials

More Details for 2.003 Inverted Pendulum Demo (PDF - 1.5 MB)

MagLev Demonstration

Mouse Trap 1 (MOV - 3.3 MB)

Mouse Trap 2 (MOV - 7.2 MB)

Pingball (MOV - 1.2 MB)

System Model TLP Tech details TLP Linear control TLP Hardware TLP Movies TLP Nonlinear cont TLP Credits TLP

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits

The majority of the content of this site is derived or taken directly from the thesis submitted by Yi Xie for the Master of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the supervision of Professor David Trumper of the Mechanical Engineering department.

Web site layout, text and some graphics by Ross Hatton.

The plant hardware was originally built by James Sanders, Tiep Nguen and Michael Queen at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits

The two major sections of the Levitator are the plant/sensor structure and the electronics and computer which control the structure.


Levitator in action (above) and its schematic representation (below).

The plant consists of the actuator, an iron-core electromagnet and the steel ball bearing levitated by the electromagnet, along with the sensor that sends position to the control circuitry.

Current through the coils of the electromagnet induces a magnetic field in the iron core. In conjunction with the sensor and control electronics, the electromagnet exerts a force on the steel ball so as to keep it floating at a given height.

To control the position of the ball, the control electronics need to know the actual position of the ball at any given time. In this device, position is sensed by a light source and detector acting in combination. Light from the source striking the detector creates a current which is transduced into a voltage. The higher the ball is, the less light passes above the ball to the detector, translating to correspondlingly less voltage. In the control electronics, this voltage is translated into a position reading.

Control Electronics

Control circuitry, with the plant structure.

The control circuitry consists of a set of power supplies and amplifiers connected to a control computer. The control computer is a dedicated digital signal processor (DSP), programmed through the laptop. The power supplies and amplifiers receive the signal from the position sensor and send power to the actuator. An input/output box wired to the analog to digital and digital to analog converters on the computer allows the power electronics and the computer to talk to one another. In the photograph above, the ball rests on a micrometer/force measurement apparatus used in calibrating the system.

The power electronics box.

Combining the plant and control electronics, the schematic for the whole system is:

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits


With the system model in hand we can turn our attention to control issues. Before a control scheme can be designed and implemented for this magnetic levitator, however, the equations of motion must be set in a form conducive to control. Unlike a mass, spring, dashpot system or an LRC circuit, the equation of motion of this levitator is nonlinear in both the input variable (i) and the state variable (x). The simplest solution to this is to linearize the equation of motion around a desired operating point, then apply traditional linear controls methods. The validity of this approach is restricted to small motions about the operating point. However, the advantages of working with a linear model mean that this technique is frequently applied in practice.

In the modeling section, the equations pertaining to the system are given as:

Eq. M1.

Eq. M2.

Eq. M3.

The first step in linearizing the equation is to approximate i and x as:

Eq. L1.

where the bar (-) is the value at the operating point, and the tilde (~) term represents incremental variations around this point. We assume and . Substituting (L1) into (M2) and taking the Taylor expansion yields:

Eq. L2.

For our chosen first order aproximation, the higher order terms drop out. The two partial differential terms in the equation solve as:

Eq. L3.

Substituting (L3) into (L2) while dropping the higher order terms leaves:

Eq. L4.

By definition, the equilibrium point is where there is no net acceleration, and where the incremental terms are equal to zero. At this point, (L4) becomes:

Eq. L5.

Putting (L5) into (L4) and rearranging, the equation of motion takes on the familiar form of:

Eq. L6.

The poles of this system are at:

Eq. L7.

For various lengths of the airgap, the pole locations are:

Fig. L1.

Plotting pole spacing against air gap distance results in the curve:

Fig. L2.

If the terms are properly expanded, the system pole locations can be shown to depend only on upon gravity and the operating air gap:

Eq. L8.

When a properly designed controller is added to an unstable system, it serves to move right-half plane poles into the left half plane. The closer the unstable pole starts to zero, the easier it is to pull it across to stability. As the above relationship between pole location and opperating point shows that pole distance from zero decreases with increasing distance between the actuator and the ball. Large distances are, however, impractical in terms of building the actuator, as the magnetic force falls off with the square of the opperating point distance, requiring a commesurate increase in current to balance the forces.


Now that the system has been linearized, a controller can be applied to it. Various methods can be applied to show that a simple proportional gain controler is insufficient for this system and would not do better than to place both poles on the imaginary axis. Adding a zero to the system through the application of a proportional-differential controller can be shown by the same methods to pull the poles into the left-half plane.

The block diagram below represents the whole system. C1 represents the constant for converting between position and voltage in the position sensor and in the input. The other three blocks, from left to right, are the controller, the current supply and the plant.

Fig. L3.

For the purposes of examining the behavior of the controlled system, it is useful to consolidate the block diagram before analyzing it. The dynamics of available current controls are sufficiently faster than those of the plant that the block can be treated as a constant multiplier and incorporated into the controller gain. C1 and k2 can be similarly incorporated. The resulting block diagram, with G representing the combination of the constant multipliers, is:

Fig. L4.

Applying Black’s Law to the simplified block diagram results in the following transfer function:

Eq. L9.

The mechanical equivalent system to the linearized model is:

Fig. L5.

For G>k1, the system can be seen from the equation or the equivalent model to be stable. Putting the equation into cannonical form,

Eq. L10.

the steady state gain is seen to be K/(K-k1), which approaches unity as K gets large. Note that unlike a traditional second order system, the steady state gain here approaches unity from infinity, rather than from a fraction less than one. This effect is a result of the “negative spring” in the linearized equation of motion (Eq. L6).

Where steady state performance improves with increasing G, transient performance depends on all of the system’s characteristics. Once a value of G is chosen to provide the acceptable steady state performance, however, is the only undefined term in the transfer function, and can be solved for to optimize transient performance.

The poles of (Eq. L9) are located at

Eq. L11.

Critical damping occurs when the poles are co-located, where

Eq. L12.

Solving for provides

Eq. L13.

It should be noted that the controller presented above is not physically realizable, as it contains an isolated zero, which gives gain as ever increasing with frequency. A more realistic controller would have a transfer function resembling

Eq. L14.

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits

MagLev Demonstration

A steel ball bearing is suspended in air by an actively controlled electromagnet.

Movies of the MagLev in action.

The device shown above is an actively controlled magnetic levitator. Magnetic levitation is a technique widely used to create noncontact bearings. Such bearings eliminate friction and wear and also allow for operation at high speeds or in special environments such as vaccum systems. Maglev trains are perhaps the most visible application of the technology, their freedom from wheels making them capable of reaching speeds of over 350 mph.

This site looks at a levitator that is both a classroom-level demonstration of the principles involved in a maglev system and an experimental implementation of control mechanism for magnetic levitators. The system is first examined, then emphasis is placed on the methods by which such a system can be controlled and the hardware which can be used to implement such control.

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits

While linearizing the behavior of the plant and applying traditional linear control methods is an effective method of controlling the system, it is only effective around the chosen opperating point. Large deviations from this point lead to instabilities and the eventual failure of the system to remain in the desired position. Our demonstration maglev system operates over a wide range of positions, with gaps from about 5 to 15 mm. This span is too great for a linearized control system to handle, requiring a nonlinear control system.

The basics of our non-linear control system are as follows. The chief difference is that the nonlinear design has an extra nonlinear block between the linear controller and the plant. This extra element combines with the plant to form an effectively linear system, which is controlled in the traditional manner.

Fig. N1.

The inputs on the nonlinear block are the measured position of the ball and the force requested by the linear section of the control system. The computer sums the desired force and the constant gravitational force to produce the needed magnetic force:

Eq. N1.

Eq. N2.

Eq. N3.

Based on the magnetic force needed, the computer takes the measured distance of the ball from the magnet and calculates the current needed to supply that force at the given distance via

Eq. N4.

Success in using this method of control is very dependent on having an accurate model of the system’s behavior. The construction of such a model is demonstrated in Yi Xie’s thesis, in the technical details section.

Main | Hardware | System Model | Linearized Control | Nonlinear Control | Movies | Technical Details | Credits

The first step in controlling a system is deriving an accurate model for the system. Each of the system elements’ behaviors can be derived from basic physics. In the examples below, many of the equations are left in terms of constants. These constants are dependent on materials and geometry, and are thus specific to the hardware. Procedures for measuring these constants are provided in Yi Xie’s MEng thesis (see the technical details section).

Free Body Diagram of the Plant. (Fig. M1)

As shown in the free body diagram above, two forces act on the steel ball: gravity and the electro-magnetic force from the coils. The equation of motion for the ball is therefore:

Eq. M1.

In the simplest model, Fm, the electromagnetic force, is proportional to the square of the current passing through the inductor and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the magnet and the steel ball. The constant C is a function of the physical construction of the electromagnet.

Eq. M2.

The power amplifier is set up as an actively controlled current source, so we assume current to be the controlled variable. This means that we can ignore coil inductance and speed voltage effects. Combining the two equations given above gives:

Eq. M3.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2005
Learning Resource Types
Demonstration Videos
Problem Sets