8.03SC | Fall 2016 | Undergraduate

Physics III: Vibrations and Waves

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Lecture Topics

  • Maxwell’s equation
  • Light
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Speed of light
  • Standing electromagnetic waves

Lecture Video: Maxwell’s Equation, Electromagnetic Waves

Prof. Lee shows the Electromagnetic wave equation can be derived by using Maxwell’s Equation. The exciting realization is that the speed of the EM wave matches with the speed of light. He also shows the progressing EM waves can be reflected by a perfect conductor.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 12 (PDF - 2.6MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 12 (PDF - 3MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 8.3 to end) 

Chapter 9: The Boundary at Infinity (PDF - 1.3MB) (through section 9.2) 

Problem Solving Help Video*

Electromagnetic Waves in a Vacuum

Video: One Trillion Frames per Second by Prof. Ramesh Raskar at MIT Media Lab

Video: Microwave Oven Standing Wave Visualization by oisiaa on YouTube

Webpage: The Idea of the Divergence of a Vector Field by Math Insight

Webpage: The Idea of the Curl of a Vector Field by Math Insight

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Dispersion
  • Dispersive medium
  • Phase velocity
  • Group velocity
  • Beat phenomenon

Lecture Video: Dispersive Medium, Phase Velocity, Group Velocity

Sending a square pulse as a basic communication tool is the main focus of this lecture. Prof. Lee discusses the phenomenon of dispersion in a realistic medium and the strategy to describe this kind of physics situation.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 13 (PDF - 1.1MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 13 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 8.3 to end) 

Chapter 9: The Boundary at Infinity (PDF - 1.3MB) (through section 9.2) 

Problem Set

Problem Set 7 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Accelerated Charges Radiating Electromagnetic Waves

In-class Demonstrations

Bell Labs Wave Machine

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Fourier transform
  • Amplitude modulation
  • AM radio
  • Communication

Lecture Video: Fourier Transform, AM Radio

Prof. Lee discusses the big challenge of communication using dispersive medium. He introduces the possible solution: AM radio, which was one of the greatest achievements in radio broadcasting technology.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 14 (PDF - 1.3MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 14 (PDF - 2.7MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 10: Signals and Fourier Analysis (PDF - 1.4MB)

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Lecture Topics

  • Uncertainty principle
  • 2-dimensional waves
  • Pulsar

Lecture Video: Uncertainty Principle, 2D Waves

The uncertainty principle is introduced in this lecture. Prof. Lee shows that the wave description of the system leads to the uncertainty principle. He also starts the discussion of the 2D waves in the end of the lecture.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 15 (PDF - 1.2MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 15 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 10: Signals and Fourier Analysis (PDF - 1.4MB)

Problem Set

Problem Set 8 (PDF)

Problem Solving Help Video*

Interference of Electromagnetic Waves

In-class Demonstrations

Chladni Figures (Speaker Driven)

Video: Chladni Figures by brusspup on YouTube

Video: Water Wave Dispersion and Swell Formation by Keith Meldahl on YouTube

Video: Examples Related to Delta Functions (OCW, 18.03 recitation)

* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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Lecture Topics

  • Geometrical optics
  • 2-dimensional waves
  • 3-dimensional waves
  • Refraction law
  • Snell’s law

Lecture Video: 2D and 3D waves, Snell’s Law

The main focus of the lecture is the mathematical description of 2D and 3D waves. Prof. Lee also shows that the wave description of light leads to reflection law and Snell’s laws in geometrical optics.

Lecture Notes

Typed Notes for Lecture 16 (PDF - 1.8MB)

Handwritten Notes for Lecture 16 (PDF - 2.6MB)

Textbook Reading

Chapter 11: Two and Three Dimensions (PDF - 1.8MB) 

Chapter 12: Polarization (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 12.3) 

In-class Demonstrations

Chladni Figures (Speaker Driven)
Oscillating Soap Film and Oscillating Soap Film

Video: Total Internal Refraction by Khan Academy

Video: Snell’s Law by Khan Academy

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2016
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
Instructor Insights