9.00SC | Fall 2011 | Undergraduate

Introduction to Psychology

Child Development

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Session Overview

Do you remember your life as a young child? What capabilities to infants have? What are the stages of physical and cognitive development after birth? In this lecture, we will explore the major milestones of infancy and the theories and phenomena that often accompany this progression.

Keywords: child development, Piaget, nature/nurture, neotony

Photo courtesy of Adam Baker on Flickr. CC-BY.

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  1. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, the _______________ stage is when children acquire the ability to internally represent the world through language and mental imagery. They also start to see the world from other people’s perspectives.
  1. Formal operational
  2. Sensorimotor
  3. Preoperational
  4. Concrete operational

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C, preoperational. (Stangor, Table 6.3)

  1. One of the most important behaviors a child must learn is how to be accepted by others—the development of close and meaningful social relationships. The emotional bonds that we develop with those with whom we feel closest, and particularly the bonds that an infant develops with the mother or primary caregiver, are referred to as attachment. Please describe the four types of attachment and give an example of each.

Sample Answers

A child with a secure attachment style usually explores freely while the mother is present and engages with the stranger. The child may be upset when the mother departs but is also happy to see the mother return.

A child with an ambivalent (sometimes called insecure-resistant) attachment style is wary about the situation in general, particularly the stranger, and stays close or even clings to the mother rather than exploring the toys. When the mother leaves, the child is extremely distressed and is ambivalent when she returns. The child may rush to the mother but then fail to cling to her when she picks up the child.

A child with an avoidant (sometimes called insecure-avoidant) attachment style will avoid or ignore the mother, showing little emotion when the mother departs or returns. The child may run away from the mother when she approaches. The child will not explore very much, regardless of who is there, and the stranger will not be treated much differently from the mother.

A child with a disorganized attachment style seems to have no consistent way of coping with the stress of the strange situation—the child may cry during the separation but avoid the mother when she returns, or the child may approach the mother but then freeze or fall to the floor. (Flatworld: p. 175)

Further Study

Writing Assignment 2: Admission of a “recovered memory” in a court case.

These optional resources are provided for students that wish to explore this topic more fully.

Webpage Infant Cognition Lab A University of Illinois lab, headed by Dr. Renée Baillargeon, focusing on cognitive development during the first three years of life.
Article Scott, Paul. “Kid Rock.” New York Times Magazine. April 2, 2006. An article on “The Wiggles,” a music group that writes music and performs for young children.
Textbook supplement Study materials for Ch. 12 “Psychology Over the Lifespan: Growing Up, Growing Older, Growing Wiser.” In Kosslyn & Rosenberg, Psychology in Context, 3/e (Pearson, 2007) Practice test questions, flashcards, and media for a related textbook

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Removed Clip 1: A video demonstrating how young children understand object permanence

See YouTube for similar videos.

Removed Clip 2: A video about Renee Baillargeon’s children’s show Magical Events

The video shown in class is not available online, however Vanderbilt University has provided a (much longer) video of Renee Baillargeon discussing what was learned from her children’s show “Magical Events.”

This video is from Vanderbilt University on YouTube and is not provided under our Creative Commons license.

Removed Clip 3: A video about how young children understand conservation

See YouTube for similar videos.

Removed Clip 4: “A Change of Mind”

“A Change of Mind” (length 12 minutes). Program 26 from Scientific American Frontiers Introductory Psychology Video Collection. Worth Publishers, 2002.

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Topic: Admission of a “recovered” memory in a court case.

The issue of recovered memories touches on topics related to memory research, clinical psychology, and legal interpretation of scientific evidence.

Imagine you are a judge. A 24 year-old adult woman accuses her father of sexual abuse 20 years ago on the basis of a “recovered memory” – she did not remember the abuse until last month, but now feels that she has a clear memory for the abuse. Her lawyer wants the woman to testify about her recovered memory of abuse. The lawyer defending her father argues that scientists have shown that such recovered memories cannot be real memories, and that this testimony should not be allowed from the woman because it may emotionally bias the jury against the father. The woman’s lawyer counters with the argument that recent scientific evidence supports the possibility that the recovered may be accurate, and that the woman should be able to present this testimony to the jury.

What is your ruling as a judge – should the woman be allowed to present her recovered memory of abuse to the jury? What is the scientific evidence that favors allowing the woman to testify about the recovered memory, and what is the scientific evidence that favors not allowing her to testify about the recovered memory?

In your paper, explain the controversy about recovered memories, summarize evidence for and against the likely accuracy of recovered memories, and explain how you would rule and why.

Use only the four sources listed below as sources of evidence. In addition, you may optionally use material from the textbook.

Your paper should be 2–3 pages long, double-spaced, 12 point font.


Loftus, E. “Creating False Memories.” Scientific American 277, no. 3 (1997): 70–5.

Loftus, E. “The Reality of Repressed Memories.” American Psychologist 48 (1993): 518–37.

Geraerts, E., et al. “The Reality of Recovered Memories.” Psychological Science 18, no. 7 (2007): 564–8. (PDF)

Geraerts, E., et al. “Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Recovered-Memory Experiences of Childhood Sexual Abuse.” Psychological Science 20, no. 1 (2009): 92–8.

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Fall 2011
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