MAS.962 | Spring 2010 | Graduate

Special Topics: New Textiles

Assignments and Final Project

Assignment 1: Soft Circuit

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By anonymous student

The intention of this project was to create a soft circuit. Initially my mind was stuck in the paradigm of TEXTILES = FASHION, but I don’t know much about fashion so for me the equation changed to INTEGRATED TEXTILES = ???. The applications seem endless: furniture, cars, linens, personal accessories, soft robots, etc! But I needed something simple to learn more about the details of sewing circuits:

A conventional table lamp.

I often wish I could set the lighting in my environment. The problem is that most lights are cumbersome, delicate, and require a power source. Not to mention that I would look foolish carrying a 15lb. Luxo lamp around with me all the time. So why not make a fabric lamp? A lamp that could be folded up, put in my pocket, and taken to the library!

Fabric lamp concept.

To turn the light of the tail is placed between the magnetic switch and the battery. This forces the shade to be slightly tilted and physically communicate its state. It was also quite nice to work with 100% wool felt: it sews very well and provides great haptic and visual quality.

The fabric lamp in use, OFF (top photo) and ON (bottom photo).

In the future I would use much brighter LEDs for this project. I have ordered some bright white devices that I plan to wire into the project in order to provide more light. Also, the pressure sensor is currently working as an analog switch. With a little more development it could be utilized to provide a dimming function. Unfortunately, the LEDs are not bright enough to give that luxury.

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By Amy LeMessurier

When I saw the stroke sensor in class last Wednesday, I immediately thought of some kind of stuffed animal that senses when it’s being touched. I started by making the sensor, then constructed the monster (whale? hedgehog?) around that piece. The output when the stroke sensor is touched is a single LED in one of the monster’s eyes. Surprisingly (considering the tangle of thread on the inside), it actually works! At first, I connected everything the wrong way, but I figured it out eventually. I embroidered the face on my sewing machine using free-form stitching. I also attached the buttons I made in class last Wednesday to the tail, mostly so that I could use the battery pack attached to it without taking apart the buttons. When you push the buttons on the tail, each one lights up an LED.

The monster’s face.

Stroke sensor on the tail.

Close-up of the stroke sensor.

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By Sarah Witt

A portable seatbelt to psychosomatically enhance confidence and comfort in dangerous situations through the notion of faux protection. (Unbeknownst to the antagonist, of course.)

SAFE ………………………………………………and NOT SAFE

Occasionally, everyone finds themselves in situations that are undesirable. Often, the “undesirable” portion is a result of our own exaggerated misinterpretation in comparison to what actually is happening. But not always. And for those threatening situations in which safety is truly at stake, one must be prepared. That is why we’ve created the USD. It’s a portable seat belt, worn discretely as a fashion statement around the hips, but is easily transformed into functioning protective gear that acts as both a physical barrier and an alarm system when the wearer is confronted by danger.

The starting point: a belt form that straps across the chest.

Our team of designers began with a traditional belt form that straps across the chest, protecting the upper torso from coming in physical contact with the offender. But we decided this minimal barrier could be optimized by embedding electronic components that warn the offender to “stand back,” simultaneously functioning as an alarm system that can publicly notify bystanders of the emergency. Initially, we considered an additional apparatus wired to the belt that would take on this extra task.

Rejected idea: an audio alarm adhered to the head.

Although effective, we chose not to implement an abrasive audio alarm adhered to the head, as this embellishment could potentially damage the wearer psychologically, primarily by embarrassment. It was determined that LED lights stitched to the belt would be a more polite and overall effective method to alert the offender and cry for help.

Tightening the belt activates the lights.

In keeping with our hopes to limit embarrassment to the wearer, we decided a switch to activate the lights could be naturally integrated into the belt-tightening mechanism.

The initial mechanism, based on a pressure sensor.

We began by stitching a pressure sensor out of conductive thread. “A” indicates the weakly connected, least-sensitive side of the switch, that, when in contact with “!” should elicit a faint red pulse from the LED. “B” indicates the maximum surface connection on the switch, which, when in contact with “!” will allow full flow of electrical current to the LED.

But. We found that the sensor was inaccurate, sloppy, over-sensitive and over-sized, allowing room on the strap for only one red light. In order to make a more concise operating system that allowed for a gradation of “safety,” we stitched a calculated circuit (that also had a better color scheme) that aligns with different connection points that turns each LED on and off in consecutive order as the belt gets tighter.

The improved mechanism, with staggered patches of conductive fabric, supports a sequence of lights as the belt is tightened.

Each staggered patch on the left side of this photo is a piece of conductive fabric, and is connected to the negative node of each LED via a long conductive thread stitch around the belt. When passed over the pieces on the right side, which align to the corresponding positive node of each LED, the individual circuits will be either open or closed, allowing the wearer to change the color from green to red discretely by the simple act of tugging the belt. 

So. In conclusion, we found that an intricate and carefully stitched circuitry of conductive thread, isolated by non-conductive fabric, attached to a low-voltage, light-weight battery could allow the wearer of the USD to clandestinely turn on the green, yellow and red lights by simply dragging the excess belt across one point of the device that had individual activation points for each switch.

It is totally safe, and totally recommended for the hyposafetiac in you.

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