MAS.962 | Spring 2010 | Graduate

Special Topics: New Textiles

Readings, Lectures & Tutorials

Lectures and Readings

[Kadolph and Langford] = Kadolph, S. J., and A. L. Langford. Textiles. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9780131187696.



- Materials: conductive fabrics, conductive threads and yarns

- Techniques: hand sewing, switch design

Slides (PDF - 1.7MB)  

Conductive textiles

- Materials: conductive fabrics, conductive threads and yarns, LEDs

- Techniques: simple circuit design

Slides (PDF)  

Textile sensors

- Materials: resistive yarns, piezo resistive (pressure sensitive) materials

Techniques: sensor design

Slides (PDF - 10.3MB)(Courtesy of Hannah Perner-Wilson. Used with permission. Plusea. “Fabric Poteniometer (update).” March 27, 2009. YouTube. Access October 6, 2010.

Fabric PCBs, part 1

- Materials: conductive fabrics, fabric adhesives

- Techniques: soldering, circuit design

Fabric PCB tutorial (PDF) Buechley, L., and Eisenberg, M. “Fabric PCBs, Electronic Sequins, and Socket Buttons: Techniques for E-textile Craft.” Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 13, no. 2 (2009): 133-150.
5 Guest lecture by Marcelo Coelho, MIT Media Lab    

Fabric PCBs, part 2

- Materials: microcontrollers

- Techniques: laser cutting, microcontroller programming

- Machines: laser cutter

Laser cutter tutorial

AVR programming 1

AVR programming 2

7 Guest lecture by Prof. Yoel Fink, MIT Materials Science and Engineering    

Fibers and yarns

- Materials: fibers and yarns

- Techniques: spinning, metal wrapping, wire extrusion, etc.

- Fiber & yarn terminology, measurement units and methods

Fiber slides (PDF)

Yarn slides (PDF)

[Kadolph and Langford], chapters 3-11

Wikipedia: Units of textile measurements

Yarn calculator

9 Guest lecture by Greg Rutledge, MIT Chemical Engineering    
10 Spinning workshop    


- Materials: fibers (including natural, metal, fusible plastics, paper, etc.)

- Techniques: felting, fusing, sewing


[Kadolph and Langford], chapter 15.

gawara. “Mongolian Felt Making.” May 27, 2006. YouTube. Access October 6, 2010.


Wearable computing, part 1 (joint class with 21W.789 Communicating with Mobile Technology)

- Materials: Arduino, AndroidTM

- Techniques: networking

13 Guest lecture by Tricia Wilson Nguyen, Thistle Threads    

Wearable computing, part 2 (joint class with 21W.789 Communicating with Mobile Technology)

- Materials: Arduino, Android

- Techniques: networking

15 Guest lecture by Despina Papadopoulos, Studio 5050, NYU    
16 Wearable computing assignment presentations, with 21W.789 Communicating with Mobile Technology    

Embroidery and printing

- Materials: threads, stabilizers, inks and paints

- Techniques: embroidery design, embroidering circuitry, algorithmic design, digital printing

- Machines: embroidery machine, printers

Embroidery design software

Embroidery machine

[Kadolph and Langford], chapter 19.
18 Guest lecture by Rehmi Post and Kit Waal, MIT    
19 Final project proposal presentations    
20 Guest lecture by Becky Stern, MAKE and CRAFT    

Knitting and weaving

- Materials: yarns (cotton, wool, etc., conductive, resistive), knitting software

- Techniques: algorithmic knit and weave design, knitting and weaving software, knitting sensors

- Machines: knitting machines (circular and flat), jacquard looms, hand looms



Knitting machine cast off: dianaknits. “Lesson 9 Latch Tool Bind Off.” July 28, 2009. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

Maggie Orth’s woven color changing pieces: erikbenson. “Dynamic Double Weave, by Maggie Orth.” June 21, 2007. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

Industrial circular knitting machine: sandaloom. “Circular Knitting Machine Video Display…” [sic.] May 13, 2009. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

Industrial loom: yuwen0122. “High Speed Rapier Loom.” December 1, 2007. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

weaverstaceyuk. “Jacquard Loom Walkthrough.” March 3, 2010. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

22 Guest lecture by Anne Whiston Spirn, MIT  

Artists and designers discussed in this session:


- Randy Darwall

- Kiss of the Wolf

23 Field trip to the RISD Textile department    
24 Knit, woven, embroidery presentations    

Pattern design

- Techniques: pattern design, sewing

Guest lecture by Sheila Kennedy, MIT Architecture and KVA


Armstrong, H. Joseph. Patternmaking for Fashion Design. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010, chapters 1-3. ISBN: 9780136069348.

princesteve. “Flat pattern to 3D.” October 31, 2006. YouTube. Accessed October 5, 2010.

safakmakina. “Band knife cutting machine 2.” January 31, 2008. YouTube. Access October 5, 2010. “Origins of the sewing machine - a time line.” (PDF)

Pattern making software

- Lectra

- Gerber

- TUKAtech (renting options)

- Optitex

26 Visit from Kelly Dobson’s “Textile Futures” class @ RISD    
27 Final project presentations    

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2010
Learning Resource Types
Other Video
Image Gallery
Projects with Examples
Design Assignments with Examples