8.592J | Spring 2011 | Graduate

Statistical Physics in Biology

  1. Substitution Matrices
    1. PAM
  2. BLAST
    1. How it works
    2. Examples
  1. Macroscopic properties of DNA; packaging into chromatin (eukaryotes)
  2. Pray, L. Discovery of DNA Structure and Function: Watson and Crick. Nature Education 1, no. 1 (2008).
    Microscopic structure of DNA; the four nucleotides; binding energies
  3. Denaturation, hybridization (similarity); renaturation (zippering)
  4. (UV absorption) Melting curves for medium and long chains; general features and theoretical issues
  5. The pair-stacking model; (Poland, D., and H. A. Scheraga. Theory of Helix-Coil Transitions in Biopolymers. Academic Press, 1970.)
  6. Theoretical analysis of homopolymer denaturation (presentation by David Mukamel at ITP)
  • Meltsim is a package to calculate melting temperature of specified DNA sequences.

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  1. Dynamics on networks:
    • Node variables evolving according to inputs from connected nodes
    • Examples—Chemical flux balance equations, Neural networks
    • Possible collective outcomes: fixed points, temporal oscillations, spatial patterns, …
  2. Time indedpendent steady-states:
  3. Stability of Fixed Points:
  4. Biochemical clocks:
  5. Synchronization:

Neural Networks

Biological Clocks

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  1. Synchronization:
  2. Biological Patterns:
    • Morphogenesis is the process whereby a living organism develops form and structure, e.g.
    • Where do spots come from? Turing’s answer



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Foundations of Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics

  1. Review of the central dogma
    1. Replication
    2. Coding sequence
      1. Gene
      2. Protein
      3. Genome
    3. Genetic code
  2. Mutations, DNA variation
    1. Synonymous
    2. Non-synonymous
  3. Foundations of genetics
    1. One locus
      1. Genotype
      2. Haploids vs diploids
      3. Homo/heterozygosis, allele frequency
      4. Dominant vs recessive (PDF): blood types
    2. Random mating: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
  4. Genetic Drift
    1. Dynamics in population of constants size
    2. N=1
    3. Reduction of heterozygosity
    4. N»1, Binomial sampling
    5. Probability of fixation: simulation 1, simulation 2
    6. Time to fixation
  5. Selection
    1. Absolute and relative fitness
    2. Writes equations: increase of fitness
  6. Selection and Drift
    1. Probability of fixation: (diploids, s, N, h=1/2)
    2. Time to fixation
  7. Summary
  1. The forward Kolmogorov equation:
    • Continuum limit of the Master equation
    • Drift and diffusion
    • Mutations
  2. Binomial selection:
    • Binomial rates
    • Drift/diffusion
  3. Chemical reaction mimicking selection:
    • Master equation for a binary reaction
    • Drift/diffusion coeeficients for selection
  4. Steady states:
    • For general drift/diffusion
    • For population with mutations/drift/selection

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  1. The backward Kolmogorov equation:
    • Steady states with absorbing states
    • Derivation of the backward Kolmogorov equation
  2. Fixation:
    • General solution of the backward Kolmogorov equation
    • Fixation probability with selection
    • Fixation probability of a new mutation
  3. Mean first passage times:
    • Mean time to fixation
    • Mean time to loss
    • Mean survival time

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  1. Elements of networks:
  2. Scale free networks:
    • Examples from the colloquium by A. L. Barabasi
      • The world wide web- description and results
      • Yeast protein network (Two hybrid assays, A. Wagner: Fig. 1, Fig.2)
      • Food web
      • Metabolic network
      • p53 network- description and results
    • The Barabasi-Albert (BA) model (Applet)
    • The degree distribution of the BA model

Lecture by Prof. Mirny on Biological Networks

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  1. Sequence comparison
    1. Protein sequences: amino acids and their properties
    2. Why do we need to compare sequences?
      • Find dissimilarities
      • Similar sequences = similar properties
      • Similar sequences = common ancestral genes
    3. Mutations -> Gapless alignments
    4. Mutations, insertions and deletions -> Gapped alignment
  2. Sequence alignments
    1. Score = edit distance
    2. Examples of scores
    3. Length of alignment, number of alignments
  3. Algorithms for sequence alignments
    1. Dynamics programming
    2. Example
    3. Global and Local alignments
  4. BLAST
    1. How it works
    2. Examples


I. Sequence nucleic acids in DNA/RNA; amino-acids in proteins information
II. Structure DNA double helix; RNA secondary form; protein folding interactions
III. Function building blocks, force and motion: membranes, tubules, motors… mechanisms
IV. Assembly networks: modules, patterns, collective dynamics… complexity

Evolving Probabilities

  1. Mutating Sequence:
    • Mutations & Classical genetics
    • Binary sequence of independent elements
    • Transition matrix and time dependent evolution
  2. Population Perspective:
    • Master equation for evolving population
    • Steady state (binary distribution)
    • Enzymatic analog

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  1. Ionic solutions:
    • Why do electrolytes dissociate (ionize) in water?
    • The bare Coulomb interaction and the Bjerrum length
    • Acids, bases, and salts
    • The importance of Coulomb repulsion in biological systems
    • Macroions, counterions, salt ions
    • Restricted partition function
  2. Statistical treatments of ionic solutions:
    • ‘Mean-field’ potential and charge density via the self-consistent Poisson-Boltzmann equation
    • Screening in salt solutions
    • Dissociation from a charged membrane
      • Solution of the 1d equation
      • The Gouy-Chapman layer
    • Interaction between charged parallel plates
    • Importance of fluctuations; like charges can attract

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  1. Filaments in the cycloskeleton; Major types:
  2. Microtubule structure:
    • Tubulin subunits
    • Protofilaments, nucleation and growth
    • Polarity
  3. Dynamic Instability [Mitchison, T., and M. Kirchner. “Microtubule Assembly Nucleated by Isolated Centrosomes.” Nature 312, (1984): 232.]
  4. Search strategy
  5. Ndlec, F.J., et al. “Self-organization of microtubules and motors.” Nature 389, (1997): 305-308.

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Molecular Motors

  1. Molecular motors:   

  2. General scheme of motor transport:   

    • Asymmetry for directionality
    • Rectification of fluctuations by consumption of energy
  3. Motion in a noisy environment   


A Brownian ratchet (Image from Wikimedia Commons)

View a ratchet and pawl animation

  1. Asymmetric hopping models:
    • Fisher, M. E., A. B. Kolomeisky. “The force exerted by a molecular motor.” PNAS 96, no. 6597 (1999).
    • Multiple internal states
    • Solution with two internal state
    • Einstein force, stalling force

Cell Motion

  1. Brownian motion
  2. Crawling cells
  3. Swimming cells:
    • Life at Low Reynolds Number (E.M. Purcell)
    • The scallop theorem: impossibility of reciprocal motion
    • Flagellar rotary motion (efficiency)
    • Chemotaxis by runs and tumbles—why?

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  1. Binding to multiple sites
  2. Hemoglobin
    • Slides in pdf format from 2009
    • Lecture notes on the MWC model (2009)
    • Hill 1910, where the hill equation is derived
  1. Polymers are long covalently bonded macromolecules, with N»1 monomers
    • Biological polymers: Polynucleotides, polypeptides, polysaccharides
    • Homopolymers, heteropolymers
    • Artificial polymers, e.g (-CHH-)N
  2. How straight is a polymer?
    • Thermal excitation of rotational isomores
    • Bending rigidity and Persistence length
  3. Entropic elasticity:
    • Random walks, Kuhn segments, and the central limit theorem
    • Polymer spring
  4. Interactions:

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  1. Interacting polymers:
    • Entropy; excluded volume; and solvent-mediated interactions
    • Mean-field estimate of the partition function
  2. Swollen (coil) phase in good solvents
    • Flory exponent
    • Scaling behavior in other dimensions
  3. Compact (globular) phase in poor solvents
    • Polymer collapse, theta-point
    • Thermodynamic behavior at the transition; reduction in entropy
  4. Frozen (folded) state of heteropolymers
    • The Random Energy Model (REM)
    • The freezing transition and associated singularities
    • Designed REM as a model of protein folding

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  1. Selection
  2. Wright’s equation
  3. Effective population size
  1. Forces—wrap-up
  2. Protein structure
    • secondary
    • 3D structure
  3. Sequence-structure mapping
    • analogous and homologous proteins
    • hydrophobic core
    • periodicity
  1. Biomolecular Forces
    • van der Waals interactions
    • Hydrogen bonds
    • Hydrophobic effect
    • Hydrophobic collapse
  2. Protein Folding Problem(s)
    • Anfinsen experiment
    • Thermodynamic hypothesis
    • Levinthal paradox
  3. Thermodynamics of folding
    • Cooperativity
  4. Energy Gap
  1. Review of protein structure
  2. Protein Folding Problem(s)
  3. Lattice Model
  4. Designed sequence
  5. Monte Carlo sequence design, detailed balance
  6. Analogy with Halden’s equation in population genetics
  1. Review of REM
  2. Chemical kinetic, Arrhenious Law
  1. Regulation of genes by protein-DNA interactions
    • Lac repressor
    • CRP activation
    • Recruitment of polymerase
  2. Structure of protein-DNA complexes
    • Specificity
    • Bonds
    • DNA bending, non-direct readout
  1. Kinetics of binding (Lecture notes)
    • Reaction Kinetics
    • Debye-Smoluchowski theory and equation
    • Estimated and observed rates
    • Berg-von Hippel theory of facilitated diffusion

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  1. Sequence alignment
    • Inputs:
      • Explicit—Two sequences {a1, a2, …., am} and {b1, b2, …., bn} (e.g. query and database)
      • Implicit—A scoring procedure, e.g. pairwise scores s(ai,bj) and gap costs
    • Alignment algorithm: global, local, gapped, gapless (dynamic programming, applet)
    • Output: matching (sub)sequences with an overall score S . (example)
    • Significance: What is the probability of getting a score S by chance?
  2. Statistics of gapless local alignments:
  3. Gapped alignments and Statistical Physics

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Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2011
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights